Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Seal accessible openings: 1st floor stucco seal 11 windows rear. Stucco seal 3 windows left. Stucco seal 3 windows right. Totalof 17 openings to be ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E119473 | |||||
Apartment #4a: remove all fixtures in bathroom. Demolish floor down to beams. Replace approximately l/f of beams. Install underlayment, plywood ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E419352 | |||||
At apt. 4a: remove the toilet, basin and the old broken ceramic floor, approx. 25 sqft. Replace with new ceramic floor and reinstall the fixtures in t ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E518181 | |||||
Apartment #4a: remove all fixtures in bathroom. Demolish floor down to beams. Replace approximately l f of beams. Install underlayment, plywood ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E419352 | |||||
Oil fired system / #2 1 gal. Make all necessary repairs to restore hot water to building. Replace petrometer. H. W. H. 2 gal. Note: contract ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E305436 | |||||
Keyspan provide gas to boiler/hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E305524 | |||||
Keyspan provide gas to boiler hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E305524 | |||||
Oil fired system #2 1 gal. Make all necessary repairs to restore hot water to building. Replace petrometer. H. W. H. 2 gal. Note: contract ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E305436 | |||||
Supply and install heater timer weather sensor (in cellar). Vacuum clear boiler, breeching and base of chiminey. Blow back oil lines and replace noz ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E308497 | |||||
Oil fired system. Restore boiler to proper working condition. Repair steam return. Restore heat and water to building . Repair hot water line. ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E217003 | |||||
Provide single fuel drop. 5,0 gallons, #4 fuel. Fill tank. Prime and start boiler. Vendor must verify fuel type and tank capacity before dr ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E113147 | |||||
Provide single fuel drop. 25 gallons, #2 fuel. Fill tank. Prime and start boiler. Boiler must be up and running upon completion of drop or esb f ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E217041 | |||||
Con-ed-electric coned provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E507387 | |||||
Replace valve at radiator in public hall, 1st floor. Note: contractor must contact hpd at 718 636-3045 with start date. Contractor must sign and ![]() Permit type: Plumb | Permit id: E314139 | |||||
Remove all debris such as refuse discarded furniture, auto parts, tires, construction materials etc.. Leave premises building lobby, front of buildi ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E208019 | |||||
Public hall: provide and install new mortise lockset at entrance door to building. Provide keys to each tenant. Note: contractor must call lyd ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E212422 | |||||
Public area: remove approx ( cubic yards) of rubbish from boiler room and meter room. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E306260 | |||||
Locate water leak at fire passage way and make the necessary; make complet restoration to ceiling damaged by water. Note: contractor must contact hpd ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E510529 | |||||
Public area: supply and install a lock on vestibule door and give tenants one key. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 636-3021, 636-3026, ![]() Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E413078 | |||||
Remove 2 refridgerators and debris from the hall lobby approx. 5 yards. Note: contractor must contact lydia santos at 718 254-89 or tina braxto ![]() Permit type: Rub | Permit id: E113957 | |||||
Flash all the cracks and openings on the top and around the bulkhead and both side of the parapet wall near the bulkhead aproximate 75 s. F. Clear and ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E509011 | |||||
Install missing handrail at 1st story stair ( west apartment 2a) make handrail like one on apartment 1a. Note: vendor must sign and return with yo ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E008171 | |||||
(public area) locate, at basement any exposed floor drains and make repairs to clear stoppage. Remove all work related debris. Contractor must ![]() Permit type: Stopag | Permit id: E414885 | |||||
Supply and install a new marble saddle @ first floor public hallway. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8907 or (718) 254-8908 or (718) ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E304625 | |||||
Provide and install new entrance door lockset complete to building. Provide keys for each tenant. Note: contractor must call janice / cordell at ![]() Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E300884 | |||||
Public hallway bulkhead: replace (2) broken glass paneson the skylight secure loose roof door and flash cracks and openings on top and around the bul ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E506071 | |||||
Provide and install new lock assembly complete at entrance door. Provide key to each apartment in building. Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E303005 | |||||
P/a: replace 3 marble steps at public hall: first, second and fourth from bottom. Note: contractor must contact lydia santos @ (718) 254-89 or ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E218244 | |||||
Scrape and fill all cracks and fissures at all walls in the center court yard. Those cracks run from parapet wall to 1st floor. Note:contractor mus ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302614 | |||||
Public area; bldg rear:- re-align the drop ladder back to its guide rods for smooth and easy slide. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ee04578 | |||||
Clear main sewer house trap from trap to street and from house trap into building. Pump out all water and sewage from basement. Vaccum dryand spread ![]() Permit type: Stopag | Permit id: E208021 | |||||
Public area: remove existing hanging light fixture nad pancake box from 6th floor ceiling. Provide and install new ceiling box and public hall ligh ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E426298 | |||||
Remove rubbish from roof. Cut out blisters & air pockets. Install approx. (1,1 sq. Ft.) of lbs. Capsheet over entire rear section of roof. ( s ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E516868 | |||||
Remove illegal platform erected in back of building 8 sqft.. Container rental to remove demo debris and other debris approx. Cubic yards. B ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E303011 | |||||
Roof/phway: repair flash entire bulkckhead exterior walls&ceiling to prevent leaks to buckhead interior walls &ceiling(aproximate 200sf ) . Sheetrock ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea36228 | |||||
Replace with new the following marble treads: vestibule to lobby 2; first and second from bottom. Between the second and third floors 2. Between th ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302512 | |||||
At rear yard fire escapes:- cut-out and dispose vegetation, vines,tree branchs etc. Blocking egress at both fire escape ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ee03724 | |||||
Remove (20cubic yards) of debris from boiler room floor front and rear section. Note: contractor must contact hpd at 718-636-3026 with start date ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E414705 | |||||
Supply and install 90lbs. Cap sheet on the front section of roof approx. 1,696 sqft., flash all parapet walls front section of bulkhead. Apartment #3 ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E217810 | |||||
Replace broken marble tread 4th up at stairs from 1st to 2nd story public hallway approx. X 53 1/2. Contractor is to contact lydia santos @ (718 ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E221395 | |||||
Con-ed-electric coned provide electricity to building public areas and heating plant hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E601242 | |||||
Remove rubbish from an unsealed dumb waiter shaft consisting of bricks creating hazard at west wall 1st story to 2nd story public hall. Also remove 2 ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E221650 | |||||
Provide & install 1 marble tread approximately 12 x 5 the first step at the 1st floor lobby. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8910, Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302526 | |||||
Seal all openings as follows. At 5th fl, ply wood seal (6) apt front doors. At 6th fl, ply wood seal (5) apt front doors. A total of 11 openings. R ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E511336 | |||||
Remove 3 illegal extensions: 1 at front of building (fire escape) 1 at 3rd floor public hallway, and 1 at rear of building. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E301129 | |||||
P/h.: remove 1 radiator at 2nd story public hallway. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Misc | Permit id: E221387 | |||||
Replace padlock on basement door. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E216906 | |||||
Apartment# 3c: wash rm install 1 w/g and stop. Kitchen install 1 w/g and stop. Bdrm# 1 install 1 w/g and stop. Din rm install 1 w/g and st ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E207197 | |||||
Apt # 3c kitchen: install 1 w/g and stop. Bathroom: install 1 w/g and stop. Wash room: install 1 w/g and stop. Dining room: install 1 w/g and stop. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E123587 | |||||
P/a ext: replace marble tread at 1st stoy public hall # 2 up from bottom. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E008159 | |||||
Meterial carry - up repair bulkhead roof around skylight. Remove rubbish claen up build scaff old 6 floor scrape plaster sqft of bulkhead ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E000298 | |||||
Provide and install new lock assembly complete at entrance door. Provide key to each apartment in building. Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E303005 | |||||
Provide & install 1 marble tread approximately 12 x 5 the first step at the 1st floor lobby. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8910, Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302526 | |||||
SCORE 93 ![]() ![]() Client: Simcha Waldman | Client Address: 1417 49th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 388-4451 | Client Company: United Munkacs Yeshivos | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 301131727 | |||||
SCORE 93 ![]() ![]() Client: Simcha Waldman | Client Address: 1417 49th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 388-4451 | Client Company: United Munkacs Yeshivos | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 301131727 | |||||
Provide & install 1 marble tread approximately 12 x 5 the first step at the 1st floor lobby. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8910, Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302526 | |||||
Provide and install new lock assembly complete at entrance door. Provide key to each apartment in building. Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E303005 | |||||
P a ext: replace marble tread at 1st stoy public hall # 2 up from bottom. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E008159 | |||||
Apt # 3c kitchen: install 1 w g and stop. Bathroom: install 1 w g and stop. Wash room: install 1 w g and stop. Dining room: install 1 w g and stop. ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E123587 | |||||
Apartment# 3c: wash rm install 1 w g and stop. Kitchen install 1 w g and stop. Bdrm# 1 install 1 w g and stop. Din rm install 1 w g and st ![]() ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E207197 | |||||
P h.: remove 1 radiator at 2nd story public hallway. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Misc | Permit id: E221387 | |||||
Provide & install 1 marble tread approximately 12 x 5 the first step at the 1st floor lobby. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8910, Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302526 | |||||
Replace broken marble tread 4th up at stairs from 1st to 2nd story public hallway approx. X 53 1 2. Contractor is to contact lydia santos @ (718 ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E221395 | |||||
Roof phway: repair flash entire bulkckhead exterior walls&ceiling to prevent leaks to buckhead interior walls &ceiling(aproximate 200sf ) . Sheetrock ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: Ea36228 | |||||
P a: replace 3 marble steps at public hall: first, second and fourth from bottom. Note: contractor must contact lydia santos @ (718) 254-89 or ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E218244 | |||||
Provide and install new lock assembly complete at entrance door. Provide key to each apartment in building. Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E303005 | |||||
Provide and install new entrance door lockset complete to building. Provide keys for each tenant. Note: contractor must call janice cordell at ![]() Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E300884 | |||||
![]() Client: Eugene Mc Ardle | Client Address: 1 Gold Street New York Ny 10038 | Client Phone: (212) 863-7875 | Client Company: Department Of Housing & Presavat | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 301434446 | |||||
Provide & install 1 marble tread approximately 12 x 5 the first step at the 1st floor lobby. Note: contractor must contact hpd @ (718) 254-8910, Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E302526 | |||||
Provide and install new lock assembly complete at entrance door. Provide key to each apartment in building. Permit type: Intcom | Permit id: E303005 | |||||
Provide fire watch security from july 3rd p. M. To july 9th a. M.. Note:contactor must contact h. P. D. @ 718 254-8907 with start date. Contractor mu ![]() Permit type: Misc | Permit id: E300576 | |||||
Con ed provides electricity to building, public areas and heating plant/hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E300243 | |||||
Drain and clean the oil tank. Repair, clean, prime and start boiler. Replace parts as needed. Note: contractor must call lydia santos at (718 Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207969 | |||||
A licensed contractor to remove all illegal wiring, to replace entire electrical service equipment, which includes the following: (1) con edison (spe ![]() Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300096 | |||||
Make all necessary repairs to oil burner to restore heat and hot water to building. Replace necessary parts and accessiores. Vacuum boiler and bre ![]() Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207625 | |||||
Con ed provides electricity to building, public areas and heating plant/hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E401278 | |||||
Provide and install approx. X 52 marble tread. On 2nd floor; 1st. Step going to the 3rd. Floor. Contractor must contact lydia santos @ (718) ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E220213 | |||||
Remove from boiler room all discarded parts or pieces of equipment. Cut up and remove the unused tanks and any other debris such as unused pipes no Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207967 | |||||
Restore temporary power to occupied apartments and public hallways in building. (power cut off by con edison due to hazardous condition). Note: c Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300249 | |||||
Remove toilet and pedestrol. Demolish bathroom floor and dispose, 33 square feet. Supply and install ceramic mud set floor, 33 square feet. Reinsta ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E119181 | |||||
Public hall install new marble sadle at main entrance 6 1/2 x 12. Note: contractor must call h. P. D. At (718) 254-8907, (718) 254-8908 and (718) ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E305145 | |||||
Clear out sewer line at house trap out to street and back into house to clear entire sewer. Pump out water and sewage and sanitize entire basement w ![]() Permit type: Stopag | Permit id: E207966 | |||||
Drain and clean the oil tank. Repair, clean, prime and start boiler. Replace parts as needed. Note: contractor must call lydia santos at (718 Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207969 | |||||
Restore temporary power to occupied apartments and public hallways in building. (power cut off by con edison due to hazardous condition). Note: c Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300249 | |||||
Remove from boiler room all discarded parts or pieces of equipment. Cut up and remove the unused tanks and any other debris such as unused pipes no Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207967 | |||||
Remove from boiler room all discarded parts or pieces of equipment. Cut up and remove the unused tanks and any other debris such as unused pipes no Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207967 | |||||
Restore temporary power to occupied apartments and public hallways in building. (power cut off by con edison due to hazardous condition). Note: c Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300249 | |||||
Drain and clean the oil tank. Repair, clean, prime and start boiler. Replace parts as needed. Note: contractor must call lydia santos at (718 Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207969 | |||||
Public hall install new marble sadle at main entrance 6 1 2 x 12. Note: contractor must call h. P. D. At (718) 254-8907, (718) 254-8908 and (718) ![]() Permit type: Gc | Permit id: E305145 | |||||
Remove from boiler room all discarded parts or pieces of equipment. Cut up and remove the unused tanks and any other debris such as unused pipes no Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207967 | |||||
Restore temporary power to occupied apartments and public hallways in building. (power cut off by con edison due to hazardous condition). Note: c Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300249 | |||||
Con ed provides electricity to building, public areas and heating plant hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E401278 | |||||
Drain and clean the oil tank. Repair, clean, prime and start boiler. Replace parts as needed. Note: contractor must call lydia santos at (718 Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207969 | |||||
Con ed provides electricity to building, public areas and heating plant hot water heater. ![]() Permit type: Util | Permit id: E300243 | |||||
Remove from boiler room all discarded parts or pieces of equipment. Cut up and remove the unused tanks and any other debris such as unused pipes no Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207967 | |||||
Restore temporary power to occupied apartments and public hallways in building. (power cut off by con edison due to hazardous condition). Note: c Permit type: Elec | Permit id: E300249 | |||||
Drain and clean the oil tank. Repair, clean, prime and start boiler. Replace parts as needed. Note: contractor must call lydia santos at (718 Permit type: Heat | Permit id: E207969 |