Building Permits at 135 Bremen St East Boston MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Installation of burglar alarm on building at 135 bremen street
Date:  January 7, 2011
Value:   $500
Contractor: Steven Kreigest

Client: 135 Bremen St Llc | Permit type: Low voltage | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv52785 | Parcel: 103919002
2011/01/0750093135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128Steven Kreigest
Abandon gas service for demo; 5 x 4 rdwy
Date:  December 3, 2014

Client: 135 Bremen St Llc | Permit type: Maintenance | Permit id: Exca-42927 | Parcel: 103919002
2014/12/03095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128
Cut and cap existing lines in the street for demolition of the existing structure on site /; 8x4; 8x4; / all work 7 am to 4 pm; boston police area a; 343-4239; / no street closures
Date:  August 19, 2015

Permit type: Maintenance | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Exca-510047 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128
Excavation permit
Date:  August 19, 2015

Permit type: Maintenance | Permit id: Exca-510047
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128
Cut and cap existing lines in the street for demolition of the existing structure on site ; 8x4; 8x4; ; all work 7 am to 4 pm; boston police area a; 343-4239; ; no street closures
Date:  August 19, 2015

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Maintenance | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Exca-510047 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128
Electrical temporary service
Date:  November 10, 2010
Value:   $400
Contractor: Robert Vernazza

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Ets51276 | Parcel: 0103919002
2010/11/1040089135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128Robert Vernazza
Installation of burglar alarm on building at 135 bremen street
Date:  January 7, 2011
Value:   $500

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv52785 | Parcel: 0103919002
2011/01/07500100135 Bremen St East Boston Ma 02128Protection 1 Protection 1
Wire 2 trailers
Date:  November 10, 2010
Value:   $400
Contractor: Robert Vernazza

Permit type: Electrical temporary service | Expiration date: May 10, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Ets51276 | Parcel: 0103919002
2010/11/1040089135 Bremen St East Boston MaRobert Vernazza
Temporary accessory use of;trailer to be used for dispatching to move transportation department vehicles to this site.
Date:  March 19, 2013
Contractor: Dennis Buchieri

Permit type: Use of premises | Current use: Other | Permit id: U4946815 | Parcel: 0103919002
2013/03/19059135 Bremen St East Boston MaDennis Buchieri
Installation of burglar alarm on building at 135 bremen street
Date:  January 7, 2011
Value:   $500

Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: July 7, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv52785 | Parcel: 0103919002
2011/01/07500100135 Bremen St East Boston MaProtection 1 Protection 1
Construction of a;6 story mixed-used building.; there will be a parking garage;designed for;106 parking spaces and;1 bike racks for residents beneath building.; there will be a;8 3 sf restaurant at ground level.; there will be;ninety;four;residential ( 94 ) dwelling units on the upper floor levels.;
Date:  June 24, 2015
Contractor: Linda Neshamkin

Permit type: Board of appeals | Expiration date: June 24, 2017 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Boa449621 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/06/240100135 Bremen St East Boston MaLinda Neshamkin
Abandon gas service for demo; 5 x 4 rdwy
Date:  December 3, 2014

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: December 17, 2014 | Permit id: Exca-429272 | Parcel: 0103919002
2014/12/03095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Cut and cap existing lines in the street for demolition of the existing structure on site /; 8x4; 8x4; / all work 7 am to 4 pm; boston police area a; 343-4239; / no street closures
Date:  August 19, 2015

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: August 27, 2015 | Permit id: Exca-510047 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Sidewalk deposit during construction at 135 bremen street eb; / this is not a permit to excavate occupy or install driveway openings - separate permits are required .; this deposit will be refunded if the restored sidewalks meet city and ada standards.; inspection by a pwd engineer must be requested to approve and verify the sidewalk restoration in order to receive a refund.; permit; 60. 00; inspection; 300. 00; deposit; 16 000. 00
Date:  August 19, 2015

Permit type: Sidewalk deposit | Permit id: Sdep-510209 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Tear down existing building
Date:  April 6, 2015

Permit type: Bfd construction demo reno | Permit id: Fdc456115 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/04/06095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Cut and cap existing lines in the street for demolition of the existing structure on site ; 8x4; 8x4; ; all work 7 am to 4 pm; boston police area a; 343-4239; ; no street closures
Date:  August 19, 2015

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: August 27, 2015 | Permit id: Exca-510047 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Sidewalk deposit during construction at 135 bremen street eb; ; this is not a permit to excavate occupy or install driveway openings - separate permits are required .; this deposit will be refunded if the restored sidewalks meet city and ada standards.; inspection by a pwd engineer must be requested to approve and verify the sidewalk restoration in order to receive a refund.; permit; 60. 00; inspection; 300. 00; deposit; 16 000. 00
Date:  August 19, 2015

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Sidewalk deposit | Permit id: Sdep-510209 | Parcel: 0103919002
2015/08/19095135 Bremen St East Boston Ma
Complete demolition of an existing metal warehouse building and associated foundations and concrete slabs. The existing building consists of 1st ;floor
Date:  March 22, 2017
Contractor: Robert Eichelroth

Client: One 35 Bremen Street Llc | Permit type: Bfd construction demo reno | Permit id: Fdc688246 | Parcel: 0103919002
2017/03/22065135 Bremen St East Boston MaRobert Eichelroth

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