Building Permits at 123 Marlborough St Boston MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
New gas service; 6 x 1. 5 rdwy 7 x 1. 5 sdwk; # 1405100530662; ds 2014-281-3898
Date:  July 18, 2014

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Service | Permit id: Exca-38523 | Parcel: 502716000
2014/07/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
New gas service; 6 x 1. 5 rdwy 7 x 1. 5 sdwk; # 1405100530662; ds 2014-281-3898
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Service | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Exca-385235 | Parcel: 0502716000
2014/07/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Date:  March 20, 2015

Permit status: Na | Permit id: Alfob454951 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/03/20095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Stand boom truck at curb erect pedestrian staging on sidewalk police detail area; 343-4239
Date:  November 28, 2014

Permit type: Cranes | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Occu-430709 | Parcel: 0502716006
2014/11/28095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Backflow installation shall be in-accordance with the requirements of nfpa 13 section 8. 17. 4. 6. 2
Date:  August 18, 2015

Permit status: Na | Permit id: Sprk504124 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/08/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Date:  August 20, 2013

Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk272346 | Parcel: 0502716020
2013/08/20095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Stand truck at curb all work 7am-5pm
Date:  January 2, 2015

Permit type: Street occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Occu-438781 | Parcel: 0502716006
2015/01/02095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Welding 2 inch long railing around the roof ;of existing iron deck no welding allowed if winds exceeds 15-mph protect;"roof" from sleg etc with fire proof mats etc; bfd paid detail required
Date:  January 12, 2015

Permit status: Na | Permit id: Cbw437491 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/12095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116
Install a type ii fire alarm system per all applicable state codes. Heat detector and low frequency horns located in each unit. Smoke at each level pull station at each landing and exit points horn strobes. Outside beacon 127 pointe addressable control panel gsm for central station monitoring. And sprinkler
Date:  May 16, 2017
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Michael Cassettari

Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt656645
2017/05/161300096123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Michael Cassettari
Install a type ii fire alarm system per all applicable state codes. Heat detector and low frequency horns located in each unit. Smoke at each level pull station at each landing and exit points horn strobes. Outside beacon 127 pointe addressable control panel gsm for central station monitoring.
Date:  March 22, 2017
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Michael Cassettari

Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Efa656644
2017/03/221300096123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Michael Cassettari
Replace old composite boards on roof deck with new composit boards 17x22 area in center of deck. Not visible from street or alley.
Date:  December 4, 2014
Value:   $9,800
Contractor: Christopher Wider

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Interior/exterior work | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf431994 | Parcel: 502716000
2014/12/049800100123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Christopher Wider
Remove tub and install shower drain new shower valve and laundry connection apt 10
Date:  September 25, 2013
Value:   $1,500
Contractor: Alejandro Aguilar

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Plumbing | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl287933 | Parcel: 502716000
2013/09/251500100123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Alejandro Aguilar
Adding washer dryer light in closet two pending lights and light in shower room.
Date:  September 25, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Mohamed Rharioui

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: E289069 | Parcel: 502716000
2013/09/251800100123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Mohamed Rharioui
In ten apartments #4407 1985;remodel existing bathroom and kitchen in apt #10.
Date:  September 13, 2013
Value:   $24,250
Contractor: Mourad Idrais

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf285734 | Parcel: 0502716000
2013/09/132425083123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Mourad Idrais
Oil to gas conversion. Changing out forced hot water boiler
Date:  January 12, 2015
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Michael Glionna

Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: G440717 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/121500096123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Michael Glionna
New back flow preventer on boiler
Date:  January 12, 2015
Value:   $300
Contractor: Michael Glionna

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl440728 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/1230096123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Michael Glionna
Painting sanding floors installing kitchen cabinets tiling.
Date:  June 21, 2016
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Jonathan Silver

Permit type: Interior/exterior work | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf599981
2016/06/212500088123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Jonathan Silver
Unit #8 - new kit cab and counter top
Date:  October 6, 2011
Value:   $14,200
Contractor: Richard Madison

Client: 123 Marlborough St Condo | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Current use: 7more | Permit id: Sf99381 | Parcel: 502716000
2011/10/0614200100123 Marlborough St Boston Ma 02116Richard Madison
New gas service; 6 x 1. 5 rdwy / 7 x 1. 5 sdwk; # 1405100530662; ds 2014-281-3898
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: August 26, 2014 | Permit id: Exca-385235 | Parcel: 0502716000
2014/07/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Oil to gas conversion. Changing out forced hot water boiler
Date:  January 12, 2015
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Michael Glionna

Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: July 12, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: G440717 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/121500096123 Marlborough St Boston MaMichael Glionna
Bfdalteration of fuel oil burn
Date:  March 20, 2015

Permit id: Alfob454951 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/03/20095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Stand boom truck at curb/ erect pedestrian staging on sidewalk/ police detail area; 343-4239
Date:  November 28, 2014

Client: Deagle Charles | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: December 1, 2014 | Permit id: Occu-430709 | Parcel: 0502716006
2014/11/28095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Backflow installation shall be in-accordance with the requirements of nfpa 13 section 8. 17. 4. 6. 2
Date:  August 18, 2015

Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk504124 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/08/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  August 20, 2013

Client: Miller Marc | Expiration date: October 19, 2013 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk272346 | Parcel: 0502716020
2013/08/20095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Stand truck at curb/ all work 7am-5pm
Date:  January 2, 2015

Client: Deagle Charles | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: January 6, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-438781 | Parcel: 0502716006
2015/01/02095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
New back flow preventer on boiler
Date:  January 12, 2015
Value:   $300
Contractor: Michael Glionna

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: July 12, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl440728 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/1230096123 Marlborough St Boston MaMichael Glionna
Remove tub and install shower drain new shower valve and laundry connection apt 10
Date:  September 25, 2013
Value:   $1,500
Contractor: Alejandro Aguilar

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: March 25, 2014 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl287933 | Parcel: 0502716000
2013/09/251500100123 Marlborough St Boston MaAlejandro Aguilar
Unit #8 - new kit cab and counter top
Date:  October 6, 2011
Value:   $14,200
Contractor: Richard Madison

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 6, 2012 | Current use: 7more | Permit id: Sf99381 | Parcel: 0502716000
2011/10/0614200100123 Marlborough St Boston MaRichard Madison
Adding washer dryer light in closet two pending lights and light in shower room.
Date:  September 25, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Mohamed Rharioui

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: March 25, 2014 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: E289069 | Parcel: 0502716000
2013/09/251800100123 Marlborough St Boston MaMohamed Rharioui
Replace old composite boards on roof deck with new composit boards 17x22 area in center of deck. Not visible from street or alley.
Date:  December 4, 2014
Value:   $9,800
Contractor: Christopher Wider

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: June 4, 2015 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf431994 | Parcel: 0502716000
2014/12/049800100123 Marlborough St Boston MaChristopher Wider
Welding 2 inch long railing around the roof ;of existing iron deck no welding allowed if winds exceeds 15-mph protect;"roof" from sleg etc with fire proof mats etc; bfd paid detail required
Date:  January 12, 2015

Permit type: Bfd cutting-burning-welding | Permit id: Cbw437491 | Parcel: 0502716000
2015/01/12095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Painting sanding floors installing kitchen cabinets tiling.
Date:  June 21, 2016
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Jonathan Silver

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: December 21, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf599981
2016/06/212500088123 Marlborough St Boston MaJonathan Silver
New gas service; 6 x 1. 5 rdwy 7 x 1. 5 sdwk; # 1405100530662; ds 2014-281-3898
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: August 26, 2014 | Permit id: Exca-385235
2014/07/18095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Stand truck at curb all work 7am-5pm
Date:  January 2, 2015

Client: Deagle Charles F Ts | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: January 6, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-438781 | Parcel: 0502716006
2015/01/02095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Stand boom truck at curb erect pedestrian staging on sidewalk police detail area; 343-4239
Date:  November 28, 2014

Client: Deagle Charles F Ts | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: December 1, 2014 | Permit id: Occu-430709 | Parcel: 0502716006
2014/11/28095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
In ten apartments #4407/1985;remodel existing bathroom and kitchen in apt #10.
Date:  September 13, 2013
Value:   $24,250
Contractor: Mourad Idrais

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: March 13, 2014 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf285734 | Parcel: 0502716000
2013/09/132425083123 Marlborough St Boston MaMourad Idrais
Install a type ii fire alarm system per all applicable state codes. Heat detector and low frequency horns located in each unit. Smoke at each level pull station at each landing and exit points horn strobes. Outside beacon 127 pointe addressable control panel gsm for central station monitoring. And sprinkler
Date:  May 16, 2017
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Michael Cassettari

Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: November 16, 2017 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt656645
2017/05/161300096123 Marlborough St Boston MaMichael Cassettari
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  May 24, 2017

Client: Silver Douglas | Expiration date: July 23, 2017 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk707388 | Parcel: 0502716010
2017/05/24095123 Marlborough St Boston Ma
Fire alarm system per all applicable state codes. Heat detector and low frequency horns located in each unit. Smoke at each level pull station at each landing and exit points horn strobes. Outside beacon 127 point addressable control panel gsm for central station monitoring.
Date:  January 18, 2017
Contractor: Michael Cassettari

Permit type: Bfd fire alarm installations | Permit id: Bfdf656643
2017/01/18096123 Marlborough St Boston MaMichael Cassettari
Install a type ii fire alarm system per all applicable state codes. Heat detector and low frequency horns located in each unit. Smoke at each level pull station at each landing and exit points horn strobes. Outside beacon 127 pointe addressable control panel gsm for central station monitoring.
Date:  March 22, 2017
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Michael Cassettari

Permit type: Electrical fire alarms | Expiration date: September 22, 2017 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Efa656644
2017/03/221300096123 Marlborough St Boston MaMichael Cassettari

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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