Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 96 Install 138 kw grid tied solar pv array flush to existing rooftop Applicant: Vicky Mcaninch | Applicant Phone: (512) 402-8040 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 2, 2007 | Expiration date: October 2, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-138229 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 Install 138 kw grid tied solar pv array flush to existing rooftop Date: August 9, 2007 Contractor: Eric Kay Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 18, 2007 | Expiration date: September 18, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-138229 Ep | |||||
SCORE 99 Install new elect subpanel to existing comm bldg only Date: August 9, 2007 Contractor: Eric Kay Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 18, 2007 | Expiration date: September 18, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-142383 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace water heater with solar water heater to existing commercial building Date: January 17, 2008 Contractor: Travis S Cox Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 18, 2008 | Expiration date: January 18, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-003903 Pp | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior retrofit lighting to existing residence only Date: May 1, 2014 Contractor: Mark Mitchell Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 22, 2014 | Expiration date: October 22, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-045232 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Replacement of hvac to existing commercial bldg only Date: July 10, 2014 Contractor: George Drazic Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: July 8, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-072266 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing multifamily res to create a foyer Applicant Phone: (512) 748-0865 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 1, 2014 | Expiration date: October 1, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-0893 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove and replace existing boiler to multi family Date: June 27, 2016 Contractor: George Drazic Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 29, 2016 | Expiration date: June 29, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-040779 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove and replace existing boiler to multi family Date: April 11, 2016 Contractor: William Fowler Applicant: William Fowler | Applicant Phone: (512) 386-6500 | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 29, 2016 | Expiration date: June 29, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-040779 Pp | |||||
New hotel Date: March 21, 1985 Value: $1,800,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 26, 1986 | Expiration date: June 26, 1986 | Permit id: 1985-010954 Mp | |||||
Ht loop oh Date: May 31, 1985 Value: $150 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 4, 1985 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1985-012608 Mp | |||||
New restaurant Date: July 5, 1985 Value: $120,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 29, 1986 | Expiration date: July 29, 1986 | Permit id: 1985-017016 Mp | |||||
Elevtor Date: September 10, 1985 Value: $4,950 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: March 9, 1986 | Expiration date: March 9, 1986 | Permit id: 1985-027593 Mp | |||||
New swimming pool in existing hotel Date: February 21, 1986 Value: $15,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: August 20, 1986 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1986-013173 Mp | |||||
Remodel to create a kitchen Date: April 11, 1991 Value: $15,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 28, 1991 | Expiration date: August 28, 1991 | Permit id: 1991-0121 Mp | |||||
Rem part of hotel for temporary bar dining Date: June 26, 1991 Value: $3,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 26, 1991 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1991-0070 Mp | |||||
Move walkin cooler Date: August 20, 1991 Value: $1,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: February 16, 1992 | Expiration date: February 24, 1992 | Permit id: 1991-003946 Mp | |||||
Install stove hood Date: August 22, 1991 Value: $1,200 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 3, 1991 | Expiration date: March 1, 1992 | Permit id: 1991-004045 Mp | |||||
Remodel addition to banister oaks dining rm Date: February 18, 1992 Value: $30,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 4, 1992 | Expiration date: May 4, 1992 | Permit id: 1992-000077 Mp | |||||
SCORE 99 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 5, 2008 | Expiration date: February 5, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove and replace existing boiler to multi family Applicant: William Fowler | Applicant Phone: (512) 386-6500 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 8, 2016 | Expiration date: July 8, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-040779 Bp | |||||
Irrigation system for hotel Date: April 16, 1986 Value: $3,600 Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 28, 1986 | Expiration date: May 28, 1986 | Permit id: 1986-014305 Pp | |||||
Irrigation system for restaurant Date: April 16, 1986 Value: $600 Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 27, 1986 | Expiration date: May 27, 1986 | Permit id: 1986-0143 Pp | |||||
SCORE 99 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 12, 2008 | Expiration date: February 12, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Pp | |||||
SCORE 89 Install irrigation system to exst hotel back flow perventor only Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: September 13, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-010496 Pp | |||||
Pole sign for bannister oaks motel rest Date: April 12, 1984 Value: $14,000 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: October 9, 1984 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1984-018974 Ep | |||||
Building sign for ramada Date: March 31, 1986 Value: $3,500 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 8, 1988 | Expiration date: February 8, 1988 | Permit id: 1986-009426 Ep | |||||
Building sign for bannisters Date: February 3, 1989 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: August 2, 1989 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1989-007284 Ep | |||||
Pole sign for ramada Date: March 31, 1986 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 8, 1988 | Expiration date: February 8, 1988 | Permit id: 1986-009424 Ep | |||||
Building sign for ramada Date: March 31, 1986 Value: $5,000 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 8, 1988 | Expiration date: February 8, 1988 | Permit id: 1986-009425 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel note inspection based on min standards as established by alex verver at walk through Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 27, 2007 | Expiration date: December 27, 2007 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Ep | |||||
Building sign for bannisters Date: December 22, 1986 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: June 20, 1987 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1986-021109 Ep | |||||
Addition to enclose walkin cooler Date: October 7, 1993 Value: $11,000 Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 16, 1997 | Expiration date: April 16, 1997 | Permit id: 1993-002305 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 14, 2008 | Expiration date: February 14, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 Install led exterior fixture upgrade to commercial property Date: April 17, 2017 Contractor: Mark Mitchell Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 25, 2017 | Expiration date: September 25, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-045109 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 14, 2008 | Expiration date: February 14, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace water heater with solar water heater to existing commercial building Date: January 17, 2008 Contractor: Travis S Cox Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 18, 2008 | Expiration date: January 18, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-003903 Pp | |||||
SCORE 99 Change of use from hotel to multifamily apartments and remodel Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 12, 2008 | Expiration date: February 12, 2008 | Permit id: 2007-000875 Pp |