Building Permits at 1212 E Jefferson St Seattle WA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Construct new detached covered open outdoor dining deck bldg. South east corner of lot, accessory to existing eating and drinking establishment and refigure parking, and occupy, per plans

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Initial information colle | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6113545
0951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Construct new detached covered open outdoor dining deck bldg. South east corner of lot, accessory to existing eating and drinking establishment and refigure parking, and occupy, per plans

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Initial information colle | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6113545
0951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Construct new detached covered open outdoor dining deck bldg. South east corner of lot, accessory to existing eating and drinking establishment and refigure parking, and occupy, per plans

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Initial information colle | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6113545
0951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Occupancy review to increase allowable occupant load from 147 to 295 for existing restaurant, per plan.
Date:  July 29, 2009
Value:   $3,500

Applicant: Fanta, Zeg | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: January 29, 2011 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6217251
2009/07/293500951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Construct carport per site plan and stfi
Date:  April 17, 2008
Value:   $1,000

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: April 25, 2008 | Expiration date: October 17, 2009 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6177850
2008/04/171000951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Alterations to existing restaurant to insulate exterior wall per subject to field inspection (already constructed)
Date:  June 13, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: April 25, 2008 | Expiration date: December 13, 2008 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6142918
2007/06/131000951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Rewiring of restaurant - no lighting on this permit (will add on later w/ a lighting summary). 9/15/03 jcb: add 49 fixtures to existing permit, lighting summary submitted.
Date:  April 22, 2003
Contractor: Nagi Abdul Karim

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: March 18, 2004 | Expiration date: April 22, 2004 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6014276
2003/04/220561212 E Jefferson St Seattle WaNagi Abdul Karim
Land use application to allow change of use of a 3,991 sq. Ft. Restaurant to include a drinking establishment (waids haitian cuisine). Project includes the addition of a 3 sq. Ft. Outdoor seating area.
Date:  August 24, 2007

Applicant: Sainvil, Waid | Permit type: Administrative conditional use | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 3006609
2007/08/240951212 E Jefferson St Seattle Wa
Relocate condensing unit piping
Date:  May 24, 2011

Applicant: Gas Piping Mechanic | Permit type: Refrigeration | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: June 30, 2011 | Expiration date: November 24, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6284181
2011/05/240961212 E Jefferson St Seattle WaGas Piping Mechanic
Side sewer repair
Date:  September 7, 2010

Applicant: All Sewer Construction Llc | Permit type: Side sewer | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: September 9, 2010 | Expiration date: March 7, 2012 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6260139
2010/09/0701001212 E Jefferson St Seattle WaAll Sewer Construction Llc
Rewiring of restaurant - no lighting on this permit (will add on later w a lighting summary). 9 15 03 jcb: add 49 fixtures to existing permit, lighting summary submitted. 03 05 04 cw - about to expire letter sent.
Date:  April 22, 2003
Contractor: Nagi, Abdul Karim

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: March 18, 2004 | Expiration date: April 22, 2004 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 6014276
2003/04/220581212 E Jefferson St Seattle WaNagi, Abdul Karim

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