Building Permits at 12118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 5 Austin TX 78753

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Commercial swimming pool
Date:  June 7, 1999
Value:   $50,000

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 2, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1999-010088 Mp
1999/06/07500009512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
New maintenance building for apartments
Date:  May 25, 1999
Value:   $14,040

Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 25, 1999 | Expiration date: August 25, 1999 | Permit id: 1999-006971 Bp
1999/05/25140409512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
Remove and replace existing windows and preping of new openings for new windows in existing multifamily leasing officeclubhouse
Date:  July 29, 2014
Value:   $52,200
Contractor: Nash Renovations

Applicant Phone: (512) 743-3432 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 16, 2015 | Expiration date: March 16, 2015 | Permit id: 2014-072153 Bp
2014/07/29522008712118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753Nash Renovations
New clubhouse
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $173,120

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 8, 1999 | Expiration date: July 8, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008871 Mp
1998/06/151731209512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
Temporary const trailer max of 6 months
Date:  August 11, 1998

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: February 7, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-016737 Mp
1998/08/1109512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
Domestic water sanitary lines fireline
Date:  September 25, 1998
Value:   $16,700

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: March 24, 1999 | Expiration date: April 27, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-0085 Pp
1998/09/25167009512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
New 6 bay carport
Date:  June 8, 1999
Value:   $5,460

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 28, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1999-006964 Mp
1999/06/0854609512118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753
Repair an existing carport
Date:  December 28, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Applicant Phone: (512) 563-6840 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 27, 2017 | Expiration date: February 27, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-153944 Bp
2016/12/2890006912118 Walnut Park Xing Austin Tx 78753Complete Landscapes
Repair broken water line to apt bldg only
Date:  January 9, 2015
Contractor: William Fowler

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 12, 2015 | Expiration date: January 12, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-002663 Pp
2015/01/09010012118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 2 Austin Tx 78753William Fowler
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $10,800

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 5, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008873 Mp
1998/06/15108009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 2 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 16, 1998
Value:   $588,240

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 9, 1999 | Expiration date: July 9, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008858 Mp
1998/06/165882409512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 2 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 16, 1998
Value:   $588,720

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 13, 1999 | Expiration date: July 13, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008857 Mp
1998/06/165887209512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 1 Austin Tx 78753
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $21,600

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 2, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008872 Mp
1998/06/15216009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 1 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 16, 1998
Value:   $419,760

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 19, 1999 | Expiration date: July 19, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008859 Mp
1998/06/164197609512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 3 Austin Tx 78753
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $21,600

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 30, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008874 Mp
1998/06/15216009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 3 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 16, 1998
Value:   $588,240

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 23, 1999 | Expiration date: July 23, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-0088 Mp
1998/06/165882409512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 4 Austin Tx 78753
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $10,800

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 27, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008875 Mp
1998/06/15108009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 4 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $739,080

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 23, 1999 | Expiration date: August 23, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008862 Mp
1998/06/157390809512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 6 Austin Tx 78753
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $21,600

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 28, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008877 Mp
1998/06/15216009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 6 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $588,240

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 10, 1999 | Expiration date: September 10, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008864 Mp
1998/06/155882409512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 8 Austin Tx 78753
Reenforce carport
Date:  June 23, 2017
Value:   $1,000

Applicant Phone: (512) 303-9688 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: December 23, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-076785 Bp
2017/06/23100010012118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 9 Austin Tx 78753Bartley Construction Inc
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $401,040

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 10, 1999 | Expiration date: September 10, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008866 Mp
1998/06/154010409512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 9 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $739,080

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 23, 1999 | Expiration date: September 23, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008867 Mp
1998/06/157390809512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $520,920

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 25, 1999 | Expiration date: October 25, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008868 Mp
1998/06/155209209512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 11 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $588,240

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 24, 1999 | Expiration date: September 24, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008869 Mp
1998/06/155882409512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 12 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $739,080

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 17, 1999 | Expiration date: September 17, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-0088 Mp
1998/06/157390809512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 13 Austin Tx 78753
New carport near bldg 5 to replace damaged carport
Date:  January 15, 2014
Value:   $7,900

Applicant Phone: (512) 303-9688 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 17, 2014 | Expiration date: January 17, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-003669 Bp
2014/01/15790010012118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 5 Austin Tx 78753Bartley Construction Inc
New garage
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $21,600

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 27, 1999 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1998-008876 Mp
1998/06/15216009512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 5 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $209,880

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 23, 1999 | Expiration date: July 23, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008861 Mp
1998/06/152098809512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 5 Austin Tx 78753
New apartments
Date:  June 15, 1998
Value:   $322,560

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 3, 1999 | Expiration date: September 3, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-008863 Mp
1998/06/153225609512118 Walnut Park Xing Bldg 7 Austin Tx 78753
Pull and reset water heater code upgrades limestone creek apts
Date:  May 8, 2017
Contractor: Samuel D Dowdy Sr

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 8, 2017 | Expiration date: May 8, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-052147 Pp
2017/05/08010012118 Walnut Park Xing Unit 813 Austin Tx 78753Samuel D Dowdy Sr

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