Building Permits at 1205 Robinson Rd 145 Old Hickory, Tn 37138

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning see master permit 2017064465 robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Shell permit for clubhouse contains 108 apt units with mail room, laundry room and common areas 2 floors poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Date:  October 23, 2017
Value:   $300,000
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - shell | Permit id: T2017066597 | Parcel: 04414014300
2017/10/23300000771205 Robinson Rd 145 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Reno for clubhouse 2 floors poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: T2017072367 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 145 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Reno for clubhouse 2 floors poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Date:  December 6, 2017
Value:   $300,000
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 2017072367 | Parcel: 04414014300
2017/12/06300000771205 Robinson Rd 145 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Bldg 3 contains 108 apt units with mail room,laundry room and common areas 4 floors poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $7,500,000
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - shell | Permit id: T2017066540 | Parcel: 04414014300
7500000771205 Robinson Rd 301408 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 3 has 108 units with 4 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for first floor bldg. 3 poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001s 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017066979 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 301314 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 1 has 42 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for third floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001s 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017066645 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 130144 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning... Master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 3 has 108 units with 4 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for second floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001s 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017067008 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 315345 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Building tree removal permit
Date:  December 1, 2017
Value:   $10
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit id: 2017076641 | Parcel: 04414014300
2017/12/0110771205 Robinson Rd Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Master permit application for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development to consist of 3 apartment buildings: apartment building 1 has 42 units, building 2 has 42 units and building 3 has 108 units., existing clubhouse renovation ... Total 192 units... This application does not include the back section. No construction on this permit need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning. Going to combine parcels. Parcel 143 zoned mun at per developer 242,701 sqft. Parcel 146... Zoned mul. Section adjacent to parcel 143 at 42,159 sqft.... With the back section zoned r10...(going to plat the back section). Far: mun @ = 60% of 242,701 sqft = 145,6 sqft. Far: mul @ = 100% of 42,159 sqft = 42,159 sqft. Total allowable floor area... 187,779 sqft. Proposed floor area of all 3 bldgs and clubhouse at... Bldg 1 at 39,8 sqft. Bldg 2 at 39. 8 sqft. Bldg 3 at 101,417 sqft clubhouse @ 4,339 sqft total = 185,416 sqft... Fron
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building use & occupancy | Permit id: T2017064465 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 1 has 42 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for second floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001s 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017066867 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 115129 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 3 has 108 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for fourth floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017067025 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 377408 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 1 has 42 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for first floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017066652 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 101114 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning... Master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 3 has 108 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for third floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017067015 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 346376 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning... Master permit application 2017064465 for robinson flats, an apartment and single family rental community. Development apartment building 2 has 44 units with 3 floors included mail room, laundry room and common areas this permit for second floor poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001s 901-685-9001
Value:   $1
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017066976 | Parcel: 04414014300
1771205 Robinson Rd 215229 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning shell bldg. 2 robinson flatts contains 44 apt units with mail room, laundryroom, and common areas 3 floors see master 2017064465 poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $3,100,000
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - shell | Permit id: T2017066521 | Parcel: 04414014300
3100000771205 Robinson Rd 201244 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc
Need to combine parcels (044140143 and 04414014600) 1205 and 1213 robinson rd.. Mun and mul zoning shell permit bldg 1 robinson flatts: apartment building 1 has 42 units with three floors with mail room,laundry room, and common areas master 2017064465 poc is reid cullers 901-685-9001
Value:   $3,100,000
Contractor: E Squared Llc

Permit type: Building commercial - shell | Permit id: T2017066500 | Parcel: 04414014300
3100000771205 Robinson Rd 101144 Old Hickory, Tn 37138E Squared Llc

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