Building Permits at 1201 60th Av Oakland CA San Diego Ca

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Roof permit
Date:  January 6, 2011

Client: Libya Zhu | Permit id: R1100052
2011/01/060951345 60th Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs item 3a & 10a only complete perimeter foundation and tub/shower walls
Date:  November 18, 2003
Value:   $18,000

Permit id: Rb0305501
2003/11/1818000951345 60th Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs item 3a & 10a only complete perimeter foundation and tub shower walls
Date:  November 18, 2003
Value:   $18,000

Client: Moore Jules P & Glenda M | Permit id: Rb0305501
2003/11/1818000951345 60th Av Oakland Ca
Roofing permit
Date:  January 24, 2011

Permit id: R1100073
2011/01/24095934 70th Av Oakland Ca
Meter reset for apt. 3 units ok per c. O. )
Date:  January 24, 2011

Permit id: Re1100318
2011/01/24095934 70th Av Oakland Ca
Re roofing
Date:  July 13, 2011

Client: Madison Lucy E | Permit id: R1100301
2011/07/130641201 60th Av Oakland CaAnthonys Roofing Co
Repl gas water heat
Date:  January 6, 2003

Client: Madison Lucy E | Permit id: Rp0300074
2003/01/060951201 60th Av Oakland Ca
Re roofing
Date:  July 13, 2011

Client: Despanie Dolores D | Permit id: R1100302
2011/07/130641198 60th Av Oakland CaAnthonys Roofing Co
Re-roofing permit
Date:  September 21, 2011

Client: Ramos Ignacio E | Permit id: R1100447
2011/09/210591077 71st Av Oakland CaIgnacio Ramos Flores
Alter duplex to s. F. D.
Date:  January 2, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Mcalister Kenneth H | Permit id: Rb0300002
2003/01/0210000951349 64th Av Oakland Ca
Replace 33l. F. Of fnd permit issued 10/20/03
Date:  October 22, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Joel Robinson | Permit id: Rb0300024
2003/10/2210000951233 73rd Av Oakland Ca
Replace 33l. F. Of fnd permit issued 10 20 03
Date:  October 22, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Joel Robinson | Permit id: Rb0300024
2003/10/2210000951233 73rd Av Oakland Ca
Dry rot repairs to carport.
Date:  January 6, 2003
Value:   $150

Client: Ezell Drumgoole | Permit id: Rb0300134
2003/01/06150957128 Spencer St Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per report #003282: item 1b
Date:  March 10, 2003
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: James Harris Jr

Client: Carter Edna M | Permit id: Rb0301117
2003/03/10900070935 70th Av Oakland CaJames Harris Jr
Repalce existing water heater
Date:  November 14, 2007

Client: Carter Edna M | Permit id: Rp0703181
2007/11/14095935 70th Av Oakland Ca
New windows in existing openings
Date:  March 10, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0301136
2003/03/102000951221 61st Av Oakland Ca
Remove addition to existing det. Garage & convert to storage to comply with code enforcement case 0301508
Date:  April 30, 2003
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Elpidio Ramos

Permit id: Rb0302092
2003/04/3010001001221 61st Av Oakland CaElpidio Ramos
Install new receptacles and switches.
Date:  April 8, 2003

Permit id: Re0301243
2003/04/080951221 61st Av Oakland Ca
Replace existing double wall heater.
Date:  September 10, 2009

Permit id: Rm0901210
2009/09/100951221 61st Av Oakland Ca
Addition of 412 sf for 2 bedrooms, & half bath. #0205763.
Date:  March 11, 2003
Value:   $36,000
Contractor: Elpidio Ramos

Permit id: Rb0301154
2003/03/1136000100932 72nd Av Oakland CaElpidio Ramos
Remove half of rear addition done without permit #0208608
Date:  May 8, 2003
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Ramos Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rb0302246
2003/05/084000611254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos Elpidio
Remove half of rear addition done without permit #0208608
Date:  May 8, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rb0302246
2003/05/084000951254 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; electrical #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Re0302186
2003/06/130951254 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; plumbing to remove kitchen and bath and cap-off #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rp0301753
2003/06/130951254 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remove half of rear addition done without permit #0208608
Date:  May 8, 2003
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Ramos, Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rb0302246
2003/05/084000641254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos, Elpidio
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; electrical #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003
Contractor: Ramos Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Re0302186
2003/06/130611254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos Elpidio
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; plumbing to remove kitchen and bath and cap-off #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003
Contractor: Ramos Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rp0301753
2003/06/130611254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos Elpidio
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; plumbing to remove kitchen and bath and cap-off #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003
Contractor: Ramos, Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Rp0301753
2003/06/130641254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos, Elpidio
Remove half of rear addition done without permit; electrical #0208608
Date:  June 13, 2003
Contractor: Ramos, Elpidio

Client: Cejagomez Ignacio | Permit id: Re0302186
2003/06/130641254 72nd Av Oakland CaRamos, Elpidio
Kitchen remodel; r/r countertop.
Date:  May 22, 2003
Value:   $1,012

Client: Drumgoole Ezell | Permit id: Rb0302518
2003/05/221012951005 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - replace sink.
Date:  May 22, 2003

Client: Drumgoole Ezell | Permit id: Rp0301511
2003/05/220951005 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel; r r countertop.
Date:  May 22, 2003
Value:   $1,012

Client: Drumgoole Ezell | Permit id: Rb0302518
2003/05/221012951005 72nd Av Oakland Ca
To complete rb0003854: add 715s/f to rear of bldg
Date:  June 17, 2003
Value:   $500
Contractor: Jaime Briseno

Client: Maciel Jose T & Silvia G | Permit id: Rb0302960
2003/06/17500591133 72nd Av Oakland CaJaime Briseno
Add 276s f detached garage to rear of property
Date:  June 20, 2003
Value:   $7,600

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Rb0303043
2003/06/20760095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demo 276s/f garage
Date:  June 20, 2003

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Rb0303042
2003/06/20095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Add 276s/f detached garage to rear of property
Date:  June 20, 2003
Value:   $7,600

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Rb0303043
2003/06/20760095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical: add 276s/f detached garage to rear of property
Date:  August 19, 2003

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Re0303052
2003/08/19095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace gas water heater
Date:  August 11, 2003

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Rp0302405
2003/08/11095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demo 276s f garage
Date:  June 20, 2003

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Rb0303042
2003/06/20095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical: add 276s f detached garage to rear of property
Date:  August 19, 2003

Client: Turner Essie P | Permit id: Re0303052
2003/08/19095995 70th Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs see attached report items; 10a-10c and 11a.
Date:  June 24, 2003
Value:   $2,100

Permit id: Rb0303103
2003/06/242100951138 71st Av Oakland Ca
Replace plaster with sheetrock in living room and bedroom.
Date:  July 7, 2003
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Renaldo La Chauz

Permit id: Rb0303310
2003/07/075000691094 70th Av Oakland CaRenaldo La Chauz
Repairs per notice to abate. #0702704
Date:  April 30, 2007
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Renaldo La Chauz

Permit id: Rb0701867
2007/04/303000691094 70th Av Oakland CaRenaldo La Chauz
Upgrade service to 100amp and 7 cir
Date:  March 4, 2003
Contractor: Renaldo La Chauz

Permit id: Re0300762
2003/03/040691094 70th Av Oakland CaRenaldo La Chauz
Electrical - complete re0300762 1 amp service
Date:  April 30, 2007
Contractor: Renaldo La Chauz

Permit id: Re0701462
2007/04/300691094 70th Av Oakland CaRenaldo La Chauz
Upgrade service to 100amp - complete re0300762
Date:  March 23, 2009

Permit id: Re0900802
2009/03/230951094 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - repairs per notice to abate. #0702704
Date:  April 30, 2007
Contractor: Renaldo La Chauz

Permit id: Rp0701275
2007/04/300691094 70th Av Oakland CaRenaldo La Chauz
Replace water heater
Date:  June 3, 2009

Permit id: Rp0901139
2009/06/030951094 70th Av Oakland Ca
Replace foundation per city handout
Date:  August 11, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Sidhu Tarlochan | Permit id: Rb0303970
2003/08/1110000951042 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen & bath remodel, cabinets
Date:  September 5, 2003
Value:   $22,800

Client: Dawkins George F Tr | Permit id: Rb0304395
2003/09/0522800951038 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen & bath remodel, cabinets
Date:  September 5, 2003

Client: Dawkins George F Tr | Permit id: Re0303262
2003/09/050951038 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen & bath remodel, cabinets
Date:  September 5, 2003

Client: Dawkins George F Tr | Permit id: Rp0302643
2003/09/050951038 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Combine 2 sfds to make one sfd; add 1 s. F.
Date:  November 5, 2007
Value:   $40,000
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rb0705139
2007/11/05400009610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Raise sfd to create 1 new level below: addition of 528 sq ft and 1 bedroom.
Date:  November 5, 2007
Value:   $72,436
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rb0705143
2007/11/05724369610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
C. O. For sfd
Date:  July 28, 2008
Value:   $1,001
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rb0803234
2008/07/2810019610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Co for sfd
Date:  July 28, 2008
Value:   $1,001
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rb0803235
2008/07/2810019610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Service upgrade
Date:  January 15, 2004

Permit id: Re0400241
2004/01/1509510 70th Av Oakland Ca
Raise sfd to create 1 new level below: addition of 528 sq ft and 1 bedroom. Elect. Rb0705139
Date:  December 4, 2007
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Re0704041
2007/12/0409610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Combine 2 sfds to make one sfd; add 1 s. F.
Date:  December 4, 2007
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rm0702185
2007/12/0409610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Plumbing/ create 1 new level below: addition of 528 sq ft and 1 bedroom.
Date:  July 3, 2008
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rp0801610
2008/07/0309610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Electrical/ create 1 new level below: addition of 528 sq ft and 1 bedroom.
Date:  July 3, 2008
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Re0802097
2008/07/0309610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Build new 1-story sfd 1528 sf w/attached garage 557 sf.
Date:  September 25, 2003
Value:   $163,500
Contractor: Steven A. Kay

Client: Candlelite Properties Inc | Permit id: Rb0304671
2003/09/251635005910 70th Av Oakland CaSteven A. Kay
Mechanical/ new furnace system, gas test
Date:  July 3, 2008
Contractor: Ricky Truong

Client: Qian Properties, Llc | Permit id: Rm0801122
2008/07/0309610 70th Av Oakland CaRicky Truong
Remove and replace perimeter foundation piers down center
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $6,000

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Rb0304870
2003/10/086000951157 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace perimeter foundation piers down center complete work statred under permit rb0304870. Add 8-12-05:
Date:  April 29, 2005
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Jamie Cabrera

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Rb0501867
2005/04/296000741157 72nd Av Oakland CaJamie Cabrera
Electrical - 1 amp service, interior remodel & rewire
Date:  March 15, 2006
Contractor: Jamie Cabrera

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Re0600863
2006/03/150741157 72nd Av Oakland CaJamie Cabrera
Mechanical - new furnace cut-in, ex fans, etc.
Date:  March 15, 2006
Contractor: Jamie Cabrera

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Rm0600449
2006/03/150741157 72nd Av Oakland CaJamie Cabrera
Plumbing for interior remodel.
Date:  August 12, 2005
Contractor: Jamie Cabrera

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Rp0502377
2005/08/120741157 72nd Av Oakland CaJamie Cabrera
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 3837sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $550,000

Permit id: Rb0304886
2003/10/08550000956215 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 1568sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  February 27, 2004
Value:   $198,000

Permit id: Rb0400884
2004/02/27198000956215 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 1,568 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with 216 sq. Ft. Attached garage
Date:  December 20, 2007
Value:   $279,104

Client: Tran Binh T | Permit id: Rb0705903
2007/12/20279104956215 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 3308sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $475,000

Permit id: Rb0304887
2003/10/08475000956217 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 1568sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  February 27, 2004
Value:   $198,000

Permit id: Rb0400885
2004/02/27198000956217 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 1,568 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with 216 sq. Ft. Attached garage
Date:  December 20, 2007
Value:   $279,104

Client: Tran Binh T Suras Chand | Permit id: Rb0705902
2007/12/20279104566217 Maldon St Oakland CaTran Binh T Suras Chand
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 3836sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $550,000

Permit id: Rb0304888
2003/10/08550000956219 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 1568sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  February 27, 2004
Value:   $198,000

Permit id: Rb0400886
2004/02/27198000956219 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 1,568 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with 216 sq. Ft. Attached garage
Date:  December 20, 2007
Value:   $279,104

Client: Tran Binh T | Permit id: Rb0705904
2007/12/20279104956219 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 3223sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $460,000

Permit id: Rb0304889
2003/10/08460000956221 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 2 story 4 bedrooms 1581sf sfd in mini lot
Date:  February 27, 2004
Value:   $198,000

Permit id: Rb0400887
2004/02/27198000956221 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 1,568 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with 216 sq. Ft. Attached garage
Date:  December 20, 2007
Value:   $281,408

Client: Tran Binh T | Permit id: Rb0705905
2007/12/20281408956221 Maldon St Oakland Ca
New 1,3 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with detached 2 sq. Ft. Garage
Date:  October 17, 2003
Value:   $95,000
Contractor: Paul Wang Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rb0305022
2003/10/179500067901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang Fax #
New 1,3 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with detached 2 sq. Ft. Garage
Date:  October 17, 2003
Value:   $95,000

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rb0305022
2003/10/179500095901 70th Av Oakland Ca
New 2 sq. Ft. Deatached garage
Date:  October 17, 2003
Value:   $7,614
Contractor: Paul Wang

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rb0305025
2003/10/17761497901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang
Electrical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Re0400800
2004/02/27095901 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rm0400456
2004/02/27095901 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new sfd, with gas test.
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rp0400629
2004/02/27095901 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Re0400800
2004/02/27067901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang Fax #
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rm0400456
2004/02/27067901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang Fax #
Plumbing for new sfd, with gas test.
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rp0400629
2004/02/27067901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang Fax #
Electrical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang, Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Re0400800
2004/02/27070901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang, Fax #
Plumbing for new sfd, with gas test.
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang, Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rp0400629
2004/02/27070901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang, Fax #
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  February 27, 2004
Contractor: Paul Wang, Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rm0400456
2004/02/27070901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang, Fax #
New 1,3 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd with detached 2 sq. Ft. Garage
Date:  October 17, 2003
Value:   $95,000
Contractor: Paul Wang, Fax #

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rb0305022
2003/10/179500070901 70th Av Oakland CaPaul Wang, Fax #
New 2,0 sq. Ft. 4 bedroom sfd with attached 2 sq. Ft. Garage
Date:  October 17, 2003
Value:   $197,614

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rb0305026
2003/10/17197614951088 71st Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new manufactured home
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Re0400799
2004/02/270951088 71st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new manufactured home
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rm0400457
2004/02/270951088 71st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new manufactured home 4 sections.
Date:  February 27, 2004

Client: Paul Wang | Permit id: Rp0400630
2004/02/270951088 71st Av Oakland Ca
Remove illegal unit from detached garage and convert back to garage with new half bathrm.
Date:  October 27, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0305173
2003/10/2750009566 Lucille St Oakland Ca
Electrical for rb0305173
Date:  October 27, 2003

Permit id: Re0303879
2003/10/2709566 Lucille St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for rb0305173
Date:  October 27, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303127
2003/10/2709566 Lucille St Oakland Ca
Replace water heater
Date:  December 17, 2008

Client: Howard Richardine | Permit id: Rp0803089
2008/12/1709566 Lucille St Oakland Ca
Legalize storage
Date:  November 7, 2003
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Ariella Granett

Client: Jose D Segoviano | Permit id: Rb0305391
2003/11/0710000821314 Seminary Av Oakland CaAriella Granett
Electrical for storage room with bath. #0301413
Date:  February 6, 2004

Client: Jose D Segoviano | Permit id: Re0400528
2004/02/060951314 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for storage room with bath. #0301413
Date:  February 6, 2004

Client: Jose D Segoviano | Permit id: Rp0400424
2004/02/060951314 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Converting accessory building into s. F. D. Complete b8801336 & rb9501726.
Date:  November 25, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: James Shivers | Permit id: Rb0305588
2003/11/251000951221 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Converting accessory building into s. F. D. Complete b8801336 & rb9501726.
Date:  November 29, 2005
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0505475
2005/11/291000951221 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Converting accessory building into s. F. D. Complete b8801336 & rb9501726.
Date:  November 29, 2005
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Michelle Cell

Permit id: Rb0505475
2005/11/291000591221 72nd Av Oakland CaMichelle Cell
Replace existing garage with new to abate complaint 0306976
Date:  December 8, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb0305756
2003/12/081200095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demolish existing garage
Date:  December 19, 2003
Value:   $500

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb0305934
2003/12/1950095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Remodel interior to abate complaint 0306976. Kitchen remodel and new exterior deck at rear.,
Date:  March 5, 2004
Value:   $20,000

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb0400964
2004/03/052000095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0400964/remodel interior to abate #0306976. Kitchen remodel and new exterior deck at rear.,
Date:  January 23, 2008
Value:   $1,000

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb0800346
2008/01/23100095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Repair damaged garage
Date:  March 29, 2010
Value:   $500

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb1001105
2010/03/2950095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Replace existing garage with new to abate complaint 0306976 -electrical
Date:  February 10, 2004

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Re0400574
2004/02/10095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for rb0400964
Date:  March 5, 2004

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Re0400895
2004/03/05095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
1 circuit, 1 switch, 2 receptacle.
Date:  February 15, 2008

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Re0800557
2008/02/15095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
1 wall furnace.
Date:  February 15, 2008

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rm0800370
2008/02/15095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for rb0400964
Date:  March 5, 2004

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rp0400705
2004/03/05095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
1 clothes washer, 1 floor drain, 1 waste/vent alt, 1 gas test.
Date:  February 15, 2008

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rp0800420
2008/02/15095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
1 clothes washer, 1 floor drain, 1 waste vent alt, 1 gas test.
Date:  February 15, 2008

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rp0800420
2008/02/15095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0400964 remodel interior to abate #0306976. Kitchen remodel and new exterior deck at rear.,
Date:  January 23, 2008
Value:   $1,000

Client: Raul Morones | Permit id: Rb0800346
2008/01/23100095962 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400011
2004/01/050956731 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400012
2004/01/050956745 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400013
2004/01/050956759 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400014
2004/01/050956801 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400016
2004/01/050956704 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400017
2004/01/050956746 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Demo of abandoned housing
Date:  January 5, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0400018
2004/01/050956752 Brentford St Oakland Ca
Replace 9 window in kind from aluminum to white vinyl
Date:  January 15, 2004
Value:   $4,500

Client: Velazquez Teodora | Permit id: Rb0400242
2004/01/154500951386 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Addition to rear of sfd 796sq ft.,with 2 bedrooms,bath room, and den.
Date:  January 20, 2004
Value:   $85,100
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rb0400316
2004/01/2085100751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Addition to rear of sfd 796sq ft.,with 2 bedrooms,bath room, and den.
Date:  November 8, 2006
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rb0604993
2006/11/082000751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
1 amp service upgrade, electrical for addition
Date:  April 16, 2004
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Re0401452
2004/04/160751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Finish work started under re0401452 for addition.
Date:  December 6, 2006
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Re0604062
2006/12/060751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Floor furnace
Date:  April 16, 2004

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rm0400798
2004/04/160561186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem Ok Per Linh
Finish work started under rm0400798 for addition.
Date:  December 6, 2006
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rm0602148
2006/12/060751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Plumbing for addition
Date:  April 16, 2004
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rp0401126
2004/04/160751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Finish work started under rp0401126 for addition.
Date:  December 6, 2006
Contractor: Tao Nghiem

Client: Ngo Linh | Permit id: Rp0603348
2006/12/060751186 Seminary Av Oakland CaTao Nghiem
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps, kitchen and bath remodel.
Date:  February 5, 2004
Contractor: Tony Leung

Client: Broadway Foreclosure Investmen | Permit id: Re0400514
2004/02/050981241 71st Av Oakland CaTony Leung
Mechanical - replace wall furnaces, gas range & dryer
Date:  February 5, 2004
Contractor: Tony Leung

Client: Broadway Foreclosure Investmen | Permit id: Rm0400305
2004/02/050981241 71st Av Oakland CaTony Leung
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel--replace fixtures and water heater.
Date:  February 5, 2004
Contractor: Tony Leung

Client: Broadway Foreclosure Investmen | Permit id: Rp0400411
2004/02/050981241 71st Av Oakland CaTony Leung
Kitchen and bath remodel/update fixtures etc. No exterior or structural changes.
Date:  February 5, 2004
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Tony Leung

Client: Broadway Foreclosure Investmen | Permit id: Rb0400562
2004/02/0512000981241 71st Av Oakland CaTony Leung
Rehab & repair sfd-no structural or ext. Changes #0302773.
Date:  February 10, 2004
Value:   $10,000

Client: Alafin Brown | Permit id: Rb0400626
2004/02/101000095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Remove rear patio cover; remodel kitchen and 2 bathrooms. Must be finalled by 2-20-12
Date:  November 16, 2011
Value:   $7,500

Client: Zao Xin Tong | Permit id: Rb1104056
2011/11/16750095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for rehab and repair.
Date:  February 10, 2004

Client: Alafin Brown | Permit id: Re0400570
2004/02/10095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for rehab and repair. Gas test
Date:  February 10, 2004

Client: Alafin Brown | Permit id: Rm0400338
2004/02/10095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for rehab and repair.
Date:  February 10, 2004

Client: Alafin Brown | Permit id: Rp0400454
2004/02/10095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/ replace kitchen sink & 2 bath sinks. Must be finalled by 2-20-12
Date:  November 16, 2011

Client: Zao Xin Tong | Permit id: Rp1102495
2011/11/16095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing replace kitchen sink & 2 bath sinks. Must be finalled by 2-20-12
Date:  November 16, 2011

Client: Zao Xin Tong | Permit id: Rp1102495
2011/11/16095928 70th Av Oakland Ca
Rebuild front porch, stairs, railing, and new stucco work.
Date:  February 10, 2004
Value:   $8,500
Contractor: Ed Soos

Client: Jorge Saldana | Permit id: Rb0400642
2004/02/1085005911 Seminary Av Oakland CaEd Soos
Upgrade service to 2 amp
Date:  September 8, 2008

Permit id: Re0802770
2008/09/0809511 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Repair damaged siding, broken windows, rear stairs.
Date:  March 2, 2004
Value:   $1,200

Client: Dayal Deen | Permit id: Rb0400914
2004/03/02120095903 71st Av Oakland Ca
Repair & rehab vacant single family home, repair foundation and interior to abte complaint 0107976
Date:  September 1, 2004
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb0403944
2004/09/011000095903 71st Av Oakland Ca
Raise existing 1-story sfd to create 2 additional units. Add 5 bedrooms, 2173 sf. Abate 0107976
Date:  April 13, 2006
Value:   $200,000
Contractor: Maxwell Beaumont

Permit id: Rb0601469
2006/04/1320000099903 71st Av Oakland CaMaxwell Beaumont
Electrical for addition, 2 amp service, 3 meters for tripx
Date:  April 6, 2007
Contractor: Maxwell Beaumont

Permit id: Re0701190
2007/04/06099903 71st Av Oakland CaMaxwell Beaumont
Minor cup for 3 units in the r-50, reg. Design review for ne w construction; revision filed 10-23-07, stucco not wood
Date:  October 23, 2007
Contractor: Obidio Castellanos

Permit id: Rev070023
2007/10/23056903 71st Av Oakland CaObidio Castellanos
Mechanical for addition, 3 fau systems, 6 exh fans
Date:  April 6, 2007
Contractor: Maxwell Beaumont

Permit id: Rm0700732
2007/04/06099903 71st Av Oakland CaMaxwell Beaumont
Plumbing for addition, 3 gas tests, water heaters, etc.
Date:  April 6, 2007
Contractor: Maxwell Beaumont

Permit id: Rp0701065
2007/04/06099903 71st Av Oakland CaMaxwell Beaumont
Demo of all site structures and site clearing and utility removal
Date:  March 16, 2004

Client: Kavped Inc | Permit id: Rb0401111
2004/03/16095928 66th Av Oakland Ca
Demo of site structures/site clearing and utility removal
Date:  March 16, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0401112
2004/03/16095801 69th Av Oakland Ca
Demo of site structures site clearing and utility removal
Date:  March 16, 2004

Client: Housing Authority Of The City | Permit id: Rb0401112
2004/03/16095801 69th Av Oakland Ca
Fire damage
Date:  March 24, 2004
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Mauricio Torres

Permit id: Rb0401261
2004/03/2420000941239 61st Av Oakland CaMauricio Torres
Rewire one section due to small fire
Date:  April 7, 2004

Permit id: Re0401331
2004/04/070951239 61st Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace 1 story t foundation
Date:  April 14, 2004
Value:   $15,800

Permit id: Rb0401598
2004/04/1415800956725 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Repairs per attached pest control report: 3ab,5abc,6a
Date:  April 21, 2004
Value:   $5,800

Permit id: Rb0401712
2004/04/215800951276 64th Av Oakland Ca
Stucco over exsisting siding on sfd.
Date:  May 7, 2004
Value:   $5,000

Client: Mina Leva | Permit id: Rb0401992
2004/05/075000951101 61st Av Oakland Ca
Remove 12x25 sign
Date:  June 28, 2004
Value:   $8,500
Contractor: Patrick Powers

Client: Acts Full Gospel Church | Permit id: Rb0402893
2004/06/288500826115 International Bl Oakland CaPatrick Powers
Install dryer.
Date:  April 29, 2010

Client: Rmd Services 1 Llc | Permit id: Re1001264
2010/04/290956115 International Bl Oakland Ca
Install gas dryer.
Date:  April 29, 2010

Client: Rmd Services 1 Llc | Permit id: Rp1001019
2010/04/290956115 International Bl Oakland Ca
Abate complaint #0400204
Date:  June 28, 2004
Value:   $5,000

Client: Shirley Simril | Permit id: Rb0402903
2004/06/285000951281 60th Av Oakland Ca
Add 87 sf at 1st floor & construct wood deck at rear remove 2nd floor including roof & reconstruct 401 sf larger
Date:  January 19, 2006
Value:   $150,000

Client: Simril Shirley | Permit id: Rb0600218
2006/01/19150000951281 60th Av Oakland Ca
Temp power for work under permit #rb0600218
Date:  November 20, 2007

Client: Simril Shirley | Permit id: Re0703913
2007/11/200951281 60th Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace foundation.
Date:  June 30, 2004
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb0402933
2004/06/3010000956226 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
1 amp service upgrade w/ 6 circuits plus rewiring, lights recepticles and switches plus 2 for dryer.
Date:  April 1, 2005

Permit id: Re0501136
2005/04/010956226 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
1 amp service upgrade w 6 circuits plus rewiring, lights recepticles and switches plus 2 for dryer.
Date:  April 1, 2005

Client: Zavala Refugio & Barbarita | Permit id: Re0501136
2005/04/010956226 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Replace foundation 36 lin. Ft.
Date:  July 16, 2004
Value:   $3,600

Client: Tyson Beatrice | Permit id: Rb0403151
2004/07/163600951348 60th Av Oakland Ca
Install new 1 amp svc & refeed 7 circuits
Date:  July 9, 2003

Client: Tyson Beatrice | Permit id: Re0302509
2003/07/090951348 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace electrical fixtures.
Date:  July 16, 2004

Client: Tyson Beatrice | Permit id: Re0402743
2004/07/160951348 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater.
Date:  July 16, 2004

Client: Tyson Beatrice | Permit id: Rp0402164
2004/07/160951348 60th Av Oakland Ca
Remove 1 sq. Ft. Detached picnic shade to replace with garage
Date:  August 11, 2004
Value:   $200

Permit id: Rb0403580
2004/08/11200951125 73rd Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear
Date:  February 4, 2005
Value:   $30,000
Contractor: Isreal Terriquez

Permit id: Rb0500523
2005/02/0430000661125 73rd Av Oakland CaIsreal Terriquez
Electrical for addition at rear
Date:  May 23, 2005
Contractor: Isreal Terriquez

Permit id: Re0501785
2005/05/230661125 73rd Av Oakland CaIsreal Terriquez
Mechanical for addition at rear
Date:  May 23, 2005
Contractor: Isreal Terriquez

Permit id: Rm0500993
2005/05/230661125 73rd Av Oakland CaIsreal Terriquez
Plumbing for addition at rear
Date:  May 23, 2005
Contractor: Isreal Terriquez

Permit id: Rp0501498
2005/05/230661125 73rd Av Oakland CaIsreal Terriquez
Remove existing addition and add new 337. 6 sq ft addition at rear of sfd. Comply with case #0400421
Date:  August 12, 2004
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Elpidio Ramos

Client: Godinez Jose | Permit id: Rb0403600
2004/08/123400010010 69th Av Oakland CaElpidio Ramos
Fire repair at kitchen,bathroom and rear bedrooms,add shower repair rafter and ceiling at rear corner, wall framing,
Date:  October 3, 2007
Value:   $1,001

Client: Hernandez Emerita | Permit id: Rb0704624
2007/10/0310019510 69th Av Oakland Ca
Service upgrade 1 amp
Date:  January 26, 2004

Client: Godinez Jose | Permit id: Re0400364
2004/01/2609510 69th Av Oakland Ca
Fire repair at kitchen,bathroom and rear bedrooms,add shower repair rafter and ceiling at rear corner, wall framing,
Date:  November 20, 2007

Client: Hernandez Emerita | Permit id: Re0703917
2007/11/2009510 69th Av Oakland Ca
Install new wall furnace & flue
Date:  November 23, 2005
Contractor: Elpidio Ramos

Client: Godinez Jose | Permit id: Rm0502225
2005/11/23010010 69th Av Oakland CaElpidio Ramos
Replace gas water heater & gas test
Date:  November 23, 2005
Contractor: Elpidio Ramos

Client: Godinez Jose | Permit id: Rp0503402
2005/11/23010010 69th Av Oakland CaElpidio Ramos
Repair garage, roof; some framing
Date:  August 16, 2004
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Jacobo Small

Permit id: Rb0403654
2004/08/161000715907 Eastlawn St Oakland CaJacobo Small
Demolish detached garage.
Date:  September 24, 2004

Permit id: Rb0404334
2004/09/240955907 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bath remodel; upgrade service to 1 amps.
Date:  August 16, 2004
Contractor: Jacobo Small

Permit id: Re0403100
2004/08/160715907 Eastlawn St Oakland CaJacobo Small
Mechanical for kitchen and bath remodel; new wall furnace
Date:  August 16, 2004
Contractor: Jacobo Small

Permit id: Rm0401633
2004/08/160715907 Eastlawn St Oakland CaJacobo Small
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel;
Date:  August 16, 2004
Contractor: Jacobo Small

Permit id: Rp0402442
2004/08/160715907 Eastlawn St Oakland CaJacobo Small
Kitchen and bath remodel; no structural or exterior changes. New sheetrock. 9/24:replace 13 windows,same trim/sill,not
Date:  August 16, 2004
Value:   $17,000
Contractor: Jacobo Small

Client: Price-Small Anola & Tolbert J. | Permit id: Rb0403653
2004/08/1617000715907 Eastlawn St Oakland CaJacobo Small
Kitchen cabinets and counter, tile tub 8/25/04 sheetrock kitchen/laundry
Date:  August 18, 2004
Value:   $2,300

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Rb0403707
2004/08/182300951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Upgrade electrical service to 125 amps.
Date:  May 14, 2004

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Re0401905
2004/05/140951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/ install new fau, ducts, gas test, flue to replace floor furnace.
Date:  July 15, 2004

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Rm0401461
2004/07/150951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - replace fixtures, water heater.
Date:  July 15, 2004

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Rp0402161
2004/07/150951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen cabinets and counter, tile tub 8 25 04 sheetrock kitchen laundry
Date:  August 18, 2004
Value:   $2,300

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Rb0403707
2004/08/182300951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical install new fau, ducts, gas test, flue to replace floor furnace.
Date:  July 15, 2004

Client: Esteban Colin | Permit id: Rm0401461
2004/07/150951314 61st Av Oakland Ca
Build new sfd 1926 sf w/attached attached garage 2 sf
Date:  September 2, 2004
Value:   $235,000

Client: Mendoza Cesar C | Permit id: Rb0403985
2004/09/02235000951308 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new sfd, 125 amp service
Date:  March 8, 2005

Client: Mendoza Cesar C | Permit id: Re0500819
2005/03/080951308 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  March 8, 2005

Client: Mendoza Cesar C | Permit id: Rm0500477
2005/03/080951308 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new sfd, incl. Gas test
Date:  December 7, 2004

Client: Mendoza Cesar C | Permit id: Rp0403551
2004/12/070951308 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Build new sfd 1926 sf w attached attached garage 2 sf
Date:  September 2, 2004
Value:   $235,000

Client: Mendoza Cesar C | Permit id: Rb0403985
2004/09/02235000951308 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen and bath remodel; no structural or exterior changes.
Date:  September 21, 2004
Value:   $8,000

Permit id: Rb0404242
2004/09/218000951031 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  September 21, 2004

Permit id: Re0403544
2004/09/210951031 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen and bath remodel, gas test, wall furnace
Date:  September 21, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401846
2004/09/210951031 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel, replace water heater
Date:  September 21, 2004

Permit id: Rp0402746
2004/09/210951031 70th Av Oakland Ca
Reside entire house
Date:  October 1, 2004
Value:   $5,400

Client: Cater Theresa J | Permit id: Rb0404476
2004/10/015400951092 69th Av Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom. Replace sheetrock, plumbing and electrical. No structural or exterior changes. Add 1/27
Date:  October 15, 2004
Value:   $25,000

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Rb0404737
2004/10/1525000951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Rebuild front stairs and landings
Date:  December 2, 2004
Value:   $10,500

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Rb0405423
2004/12/0210500951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 125 amps, rewire and remodel.
Date:  October 15, 2004

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Re0403921
2004/10/150951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical - new fau system, gas test
Date:  October 15, 2004

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Rm0402047
2004/10/150951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Re-install fau to original location. Complete by 5-23-11. #1101017.
Date:  April 22, 2011

Client: Hernandez Irma | Permit id: Rm1100729
2011/04/220951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing fixture replacement, incl. Water heater. 3-4-05: replace galvanized piping with copper and repair waste lines
Date:  October 15, 2004

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Rp0403090
2004/10/150951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Terminate all plumbing for bath & kitchen in basement. #1101017. Complete by 4-29-11.
Date:  March 25, 2011

Client: Hernandez Irma | Permit id: Rp1100711
2011/03/250951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom. Replace sheetrock, plumbing and electrical. No structural or exterior changes. Add 1 27
Date:  October 15, 2004
Value:   $25,000

Client: Rodriguez Mauricio | Permit id: Rb0404737
2004/10/1525000951292 61st Av Oakland Ca
Create bathroom from existing laundry room.
Date:  October 19, 2004
Value:   $3,000

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Rb0404794
2004/10/19300095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0404794 - create bathroom in existing laundryroom
Date:  August 11, 2006
Value:   $1,000

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Rb0603559
2006/08/11100095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Create bathroom from existing laundry room.
Date:  October 19, 2004

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Re0403945
2004/10/19095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete re0403945/create bathroom from existing laundry rm
Date:  August 23, 2006

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Re0602807
2006/08/23095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Relocate water heater, laundry to exist. Porch.
Date:  September 30, 2004

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Rp0402892
2004/09/30095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rp0402892, new bathroom & relocate laundry & wtrhtr
Date:  August 23, 2006

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Rp0602280
2006/08/23095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater in same location.
Date:  January 19, 2010

Permit id: Rp1000195
2010/01/19095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Complete re0403945 create bathroom from existing laundry rm
Date:  August 23, 2006

Client: Knight Byron | Permit id: Re0602807
2006/08/23095953 70th Av Oakland Ca
Replace foundation and interior piers per plan. Complete rb0104340. Reroofunder r0100623
Date:  October 22, 2004
Value:   $1,000

Client: Eligio Dimas | Permit id: Rb0404845
2004/10/22100095937 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remove shed
Date:  October 25, 2004
Value:   $1,000

Client: Valencia Martin | Permit id: Rb0404893
2004/10/25100095936 70th Av Oakland Ca
Retrofit windows - comply with tbl 704. 8, bedrm egress, safety glass requirements.
Date:  May 23, 2008
Value:   $3,000

Client: Valencia Martin | Permit id: Rb0802245
2008/05/23300095936 70th Av Oakland Ca
Repair fire damage to two bedrooms
Date:  November 3, 2004
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb0405015
2004/11/0310000951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Complete remodel of 2 floors of sfd, including kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, replacing windows. F/c to investigate
Date:  April 13, 2006
Value:   $50,000

Permit id: Rb0601459
2006/04/1350000951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/repair fire damage to two bedrooms, upgrade service to 2 amps, rewire & temporary service.
Date:  November 22, 2004

Permit id: Re0404349
2004/11/220951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/repair fire damage to two bedrooms, new furnace, ducts, flue and environ air duct.
Date:  November 22, 2004

Permit id: Rm0402260
2004/11/220951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/repair fire damage to two bedrooms
Date:  March 14, 2005

Permit id: Rp0500763
2005/03/140951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing repair fire damage to two bedrooms
Date:  March 14, 2005

Client: Tolbert Orlando J & Kim E | Permit id: Rp0500763
2005/03/140951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical repair fire damage to two bedrooms, upgrade service to 2 amps, rewire & temporary service.
Date:  November 22, 2004

Client: Tolbert Orlando J & Kim E | Permit id: Re0404349
2004/11/220951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical repair fire damage to two bedrooms, new furnace, ducts, flue and environ air duct.
Date:  November 22, 2004

Client: Tolbert Orlando J & Kim E | Permit id: Rm0402260
2004/11/220951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Complete remodel of 2 floors of sfd, including kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, replacing windows. F c to investigate
Date:  April 13, 2006
Value:   $50,000

Client: Tolbert Orlando J & Kim E | Permit id: Rb0601459
2006/04/1350000951143 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Replace 6 windows
Date:  December 8, 2004
Value:   $6,035
Contractor: Mary Kurtis

Permit id: Rb0405506
2004/12/086035826226 Tevis St Oakland CaMary Kurtis
Interior rehab, sheetrock, etc. #0302997.
Date:  December 14, 2004
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Juan Ramon Vasquez

Client: Singh Baljit | Permit id: Rb0405566
2004/12/1420000861055 71st Av Oakland CaJuan Ramon Vasquez
Add 1/2 bath, dryrot repair, foundation replacement in the detached accessory structure- shared plans w/rb0600541
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $7,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600540
2006/02/107000951055 71st Av Oakland Ca
Repair framing,foundation replacement add 1 sq ft. To abate complaint #0506095
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $100,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600541
2006/02/10100000951055 71st Av Oakland Ca
Demo 15 x ft storage bldg.
Date:  May 1, 2006

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0601731
2006/05/010951055 71st Av Oakland Ca
Add 6 sq ft secondary unit above existing sfd.
Date:  February 20, 2007
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Fred T Smith

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0700757
2007/02/2035000761055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith
Add 6 sq ft secondary unit above existing sfd. Electrical
Date:  February 27, 2007
Contractor: Fred T Smith

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Re0700719
2007/02/270761055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith
Add 6 sq ft secondary unit above existing sfd. Mechanical 2 faus 2 gas tests 2 dryers 2 ranges 2 flues 2 env. Ducts
Date:  February 27, 2007
Contractor: Fred T Smith

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rm0700455
2007/02/270761055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith
Add 6 sq ft secondary unit above existing sfd. Plumbing: fixtures water alterations
Date:  February 27, 2007
Contractor: Fred T Smith

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rp0700654
2007/02/270761055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith
Complete rm0700455/add 6 sq ft secondary unit above. 2 wall furnaces, dryers, ranges.
Date:  February 4, 2009
Contractor: Jose Saucedo

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rm0900251
2009/02/0401001055 71st Av Oakland CaJose Saucedo
Add 1/2 bath, dryrot repair, foundation replacement in the detached accessory structure- shared plans w/rb0600541
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $7,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600540
2006/02/107000611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith L A Ok
Repair framing,foundation replacement add 1 sq ft. To abate complaint #0506095
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $100,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600541
2006/02/10100000611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith L A Ok
Demo 15 x ft storage bldg.
Date:  May 1, 2006

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0601731
2006/05/010611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith L A Ok
Demo 15 x ft storage bldg.
Date:  May 1, 2006

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0601731
2006/05/010611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith, L A Ok
Add 1 2 bath, dryrot repair, foundation replacement in the detached accessory structure- shared plans w rb0600541
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $7,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600540
2006/02/107000611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith, L A Ok
Repair framing,foundation replacement add 1 sq ft. To abate complaint #0506095
Date:  February 10, 2006
Value:   $100,000

Client: Singh Dhaminder | Permit id: Rb0600541
2006/02/10100000611055 71st Av Oakland CaFred T Smith, L A Ok
Replace 16 single pane windows and two patio doors with new duel pane windows/doors.
Date:  December 23, 2004
Value:   $3,600

Permit id: Rb0405711
2004/12/233600951297 64th Av Oakland Ca
Replace 16 single pane windows and two patio doors with new duel pane windows doors.
Date:  December 23, 2004
Value:   $3,600

Client: Chester Mali & Jocelyn & Crawf | Permit id: Rb0405711
2004/12/233600951297 64th Av Oakland Ca
Repair garage.
Date:  December 30, 2004
Value:   $1,500

Client: Bermudez, Armando | Permit id: Rb0405782
2004/12/3015009513 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 5 sq. Ft. 2nd story addition
Date:  December 29, 2003

Permit id: Re0304630
2003/12/2909513 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for 5 sq. Ft. 2nd story addition/2 bedrooms 1 bath
Date:  December 29, 2003

Permit id: Rm0302368
2003/12/2909513 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for 5 sq. 2nd story addition, two bedrooms, 1 bath
Date:  December 29, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303695
2003/12/2909513 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for 5 sq. Ft. 2nd story addition 2 bedrooms 1 bath
Date:  December 29, 2003

Client: Olmedo Juan & Consuelo | Permit id: Rm0302368
2003/12/2909513 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Window replacemnt, sheetrock repair, kitchen plumbing, kitchen remodel
Date:  January 6, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0500097
2005/01/065000958 69th Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel
Date:  July 25, 2007
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Mauricio Torres

Permit id: Rb0703417
2007/07/256000948 69th Av Oakland CaMauricio Torres
C. O. For duplex per 3-r dated 2-9-07
Date:  September 3, 2008
Value:   $1

Permit id: Rb0803755
2008/09/031958 69th Av Oakland Ca
Repair dryrot damage to eaves of front porch, & water damage to kitchen counterip of unit a. Repair damaged siding & trim
Date:  November 6, 2008
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0804782
2008/11/062000618 69th Av Oakland CaC.Thede Or C.Torres
Electrical for kitchen remodel complaint #0500019
Date:  January 21, 2005

Permit id: Re0500257
2005/01/210958 69th Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel
Date:  July 25, 2007
Contractor: Mauricio Torres

Permit id: Re0702542
2007/07/250948 69th Av Oakland CaMauricio Torres
Plumbing for kitchen remodel complaint #0500019
Date:  January 21, 2005

Permit id: Rp0500237
2005/01/210958 69th Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen, bath remodel, foundation replacement. #0500172. Replace exterior front & rear stairs in-kind.
Date:  January 14, 2005
Value:   $12,000

Client: Nunez Eligio A | Permit id: Rb0500205
2005/01/14120009510 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen, bath remodel, foundation replacement. #0500172. Electrical: 8 recepticals.
Date:  January 26, 2005

Client: Nunez Eligio A | Permit id: Re0500318
2005/01/2609510 72nd Av Oakland Ca
1 wall furnace
Date:  March 15, 2005

Client: Nunez Eligio A | Permit id: Rm0500524
2005/03/1509510 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen, bath remodel, foundation replacement. #0500172. Replace exterior front & rear stairs in-kind.
Date:  January 26, 2005

Client: Nunez Eligio A | Permit id: Rp0500285
2005/01/2609510 72nd Av Oakland Ca
7 sf bedrooms/living room addition at rear
Date:  January 18, 2005
Value:   $75,000

Client: Zlobinsky Arkady | Permit id: Rb0500256
2005/01/1875000951148 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition, new 1 amp service.
Date:  February 2, 2005

Client: Zlobinsky Arkady | Permit id: Re0500411
2005/02/020951148 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition, new fau, ducts, gas test, etc.
Date:  February 2, 2005

Client: Zlobinsky Arkady | Permit id: Rm0500244
2005/02/020951148 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition,
Date:  February 2, 2005

Client: Zlobinsky Arkady | Permit id: Rp0500350
2005/02/020951148 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
7 sf bedrooms living room addition at rear
Date:  January 18, 2005
Value:   $75,000

Client: Zlobinsky Arkady | Permit id: Rb0500256
2005/01/1875000951148 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Raise existing one story home by 2 and convert basement into a second unit
Date:  January 19, 2005
Value:   $110,000
Contractor: Manuel Torres

Client: Avalos Heliodoro | Permit id: Rb0500271
2005/01/19110000911171 72nd Av Oakland CaManuel Torres
Electrical: raise
Date:  March 21, 2005
Contractor: Manuel Torres

Client: Avalos Heliodoro | Permit id: Re0500979
2005/03/210911171 72nd Av Oakland CaManuel Torres
Mechanical: raise
Date:  March 21, 2005
Contractor: Manuel Torres

Client: Avalos Heliodoro | Permit id: Rm0500559
2005/03/210911171 72nd Av Oakland CaManuel Torres
Plumbing: raise
Date:  March 21, 2005
Contractor: Manuel Torres

Client: Avalos Heliodoro | Permit id: Rp0500845
2005/03/210911171 72nd Av Oakland CaManuel Torres
Add 437 sf single story to the north and east side of an existing one story single family residence.
Date:  January 20, 2005
Value:   $38,000
Contractor: Lun K Ko

Permit id: Rb0500283
2005/01/20380007269 Spencer St Oakland CaLun K Ko
Electrical for addition and remodel
Date:  March 14, 2005

Permit id: Re0500892
2005/03/1409569 Spencer St Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition and remodel
Date:  March 14, 2005

Permit id: Rm0500511
2005/03/1409569 Spencer St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition and remodel, relocate water heater,gas test
Date:  March 14, 2005

Permit id: Rp0500768
2005/03/1409569 Spencer St Oakland Ca
Construct new water heater closet.
Date:  January 21, 2005
Value:   $2,000

Client: Montoya Jesus | Permit id: Rb0500308
2005/01/212000951307 62nd Av Oakland Ca
Demolish sfd 1535 sf to abate #0101248.
Date:  February 7, 2005
Contractor: Gerald Donahue

Permit id: Rb0500531
2005/02/070827009 Spencer St Oakland CaGerald Donahue
Demolish detached garage to abate #0101248.
Date:  February 7, 2005
Contractor: Gerald Donahue

Permit id: Rb0500532
2005/02/070827009 Spencer St Oakland CaGerald Donahue
Fire damage repair. Change clay tile roofing to composition. Change all exterior walls to stucco, new vinyl windows.
Date:  June 22, 2009
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Jamie Lee

Client: Lee Kevin K | Permit id: Rb0902154
2009/06/2235000887009 Spencer St Oakland CaJamie Lee
Date:  January 11, 2007
Contractor: Kent Lau

Client: Qian Ventures Llc | Permit id: Re0700180
2007/01/1101007009 Spencer St Oakland CaKent Lau
Fire damage repair for electrical.
Date:  September 10, 2009
Contractor: Jamie Lee

Client: Lee Kevin K | Permit id: Re0902603
2009/09/100887009 Spencer St Oakland CaJamie Lee
Fire damage repair for mechanical.
Date:  September 10, 2009
Contractor: Jamie Lee

Client: Lee Kevin K | Permit id: Rm0901217
2009/09/100887009 Spencer St Oakland CaJamie Lee
Fire damage repair for plumbing.
Date:  September 10, 2009
Contractor: Jamie Lee

Client: Lee Kevin K | Permit id: Rp0901926
2009/09/100887009 Spencer St Oakland CaJamie Lee
Remodel e 4 bedrooms/2 bath sfd
Date:  January 11, 2007
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Kent Lau

Client: Qian Ventures Llc | Permit id: Rb0700169
2007/01/11200001007009 Spencer St Oakland CaKent Lau
Construct new garage at rear. Cmu walls on 3 sides. 135 x 35
Date:  March 8, 2005
Value:   $20,000

Permit id: Rb0500968
2005/03/0820000951232 60th Av Oakland Ca
Reframe cripple walls, replace siding with horiz. Fiber cemnt siding; replace all windows & doors. Interior remodel to
Date:  April 8, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0501474
2005/04/085000951372 61st Av Oakland Ca
New front porch and stairs.
Date:  July 19, 2005
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0503276
2005/07/194000951372 61st Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for replacement of receptacles, switches, lights, etc. New furnace circuits.
Date:  April 8, 2005

Permit id: Re0501215
2005/04/080951372 61st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical - new central furnace system for eaach unit.
Date:  April 8, 2005

Permit id: Rm0500675
2005/04/080951372 61st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - replace all fixtures.
Date:  April 8, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501036
2005/04/080951372 61st Av Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel - nonstructural, no exterior changes.
Date:  April 21, 2005
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: Kimmy Chung

Client: Wang Biao | Permit id: Rb0501735
2005/04/212500596222 Fenham St Oakland CaKimmy Chung
Dryrot repair,new sheetrock & insulation & rewire of duplex in some walls including 2 full bathrooms. 7/1/05: replace 8
Date:  May 9, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0502029
2005/05/095000951254 60th Av Oakland Ca
125 amp service upgrade with extra meter for duplex per sanborne map. 5-9-05 rewire duplex, add smoke detectors.
Date:  February 18, 2005

Permit id: Re0500612
2005/02/180951254 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace galvanized piping w/ copper & fixtures for 2 bthrms
Date:  May 9, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501335
2005/05/090951254 60th Av Oakland Ca
Dryrot repair,new sheetrock & insulation & rewire of duplex in some walls including 2 full bathrooms. 7 1 05: replace 8
Date:  May 9, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Client: Ramirez Isabel, Jose, Ramiro & | Permit id: Rb0502029
2005/05/095000951254 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace galvanized piping w copper & fixtures for 2 bthrms
Date:  May 9, 2005

Client: Ramirez Isabel, Jose, Ramiro & | Permit id: Rp0501335
2005/05/090951254 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace all windows, remodel kitchen and bathroom, replace all sheetrock.
Date:  May 23, 2005
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Anthony Glenn

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Rb0502287
2005/05/235000641118 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Glenn
Electrical - service upgrade,kitchen and bathroom, rewire
Date:  May 23, 2005
Contractor: Anthony Glenn

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Re0501792
2005/05/230641118 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Glenn
Electrical/install new furnace and ac
Date:  June 2, 2006

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Re0601786
2006/06/020951118 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Install new furnace and ac
Date:  June 2, 2006

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Rm0600962
2006/06/020951118 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - kitchen and bathroom remodel, replace water main, water heater, gas test for dryer and range.
Date:  May 23, 2005
Contractor: Anthony Glenn

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Rp0501508
2005/05/230641118 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Glenn
Rough in and water heater , gas test, 2 waste/vent alt.
Date:  November 15, 2006

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Rp0603159
2006/11/150951118 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical install new furnace and ac
Date:  June 2, 2006

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Re0601786
2006/06/020951118 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Rough in and water heater , gas test, 2 waste vent alt.
Date:  November 15, 2006

Client: Glenn James R Etal | Permit id: Rp0603159
2006/11/150951118 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Retrofit 14 windows and no sliding glass door, like for like same size, no structural change.
Date:  June 3, 2005
Value:   $5,709
Contractor: Alvin Ho

Client: Dennis Bailey | Permit id: Rb0502461
2005/06/035709821301 60th Av Oakland CaAlvin Ho
Install retrofit windows to replace existing aluminum windows same size
Date:  June 15, 2005
Value:   $11,284

Permit id: Rb0502698
2005/06/15112849513 64th Av Oakland Ca
Foundation cap per termite report attached.
Date:  December 13, 2005
Value:   $2,285

Permit id: Rb0505661
2005/12/1322859513 64th Av Oakland Ca
New sfd & with garage
Date:  June 22, 2005
Value:   $90,000

Client: Marlene Labat | Permit id: Rb0502798
2005/06/2290000957117 Rudsdale St Oakland Ca
New sfd & with garage
Date:  June 27, 2005

Client: Marlene Labat | Permit id: Re0502253
2005/06/270957117 Rudsdale St Oakland Ca
Replace 2x4 plywood & sheetrock on exterior of building
Date:  June 28, 2005
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0502918
2005/06/283000956205 Fenham St Oakland Ca
New drywall in kitchen and bathroom. Remodel:chnge out fixture,cabinets,counter.
Date:  June 30, 2005
Value:   $3,500

Client: Rodriguez, Jorge | Permit id: Rb0502982
2005/06/303500951263 61st Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear
Date:  August 24, 2005
Value:   $5,500

Client: Rodriguez, Jorge | Permit id: Rb0503889
2005/08/245500951263 61st Av Oakland Ca
Fixture changeout, kitchen and bath non structural upgrade elect. Service to 125 amps. 10/20/06 service upgrade will be
Date:  June 30, 2005

Client: Rodriguez, Jorge | Permit id: Re0502334
2005/06/300951263 61st Av Oakland Ca
New water pipe in kitchen and bathroom. New sink in kitchen new toilet and tub in bathroom.
Date:  June 30, 2005

Client: Rodriguez, Jorge | Permit id: Rp0501924
2005/06/300951263 61st Av Oakland Ca
Fixture changeout, kitchen and bath non structural upgrade elect. Service to 125 amps. 10 20 06 service upgrade will be
Date:  June 30, 2005

Client: Rodriguez, Jorge | Permit id: Re0502334
2005/06/300951263 61st Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear of new family room 242 sf
Date:  August 1, 2005
Value:   $16,000

Client: Aguiar Jose | Permit id: Rb0503497
2005/08/0116000951108 60th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/addition at rear of new family room 242 sf include 1 amp service upgrade
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Aguiar Jose | Permit id: Re0503598
2005/10/070951108 60th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/addition new fau at rear of new family rm 242 sf
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Aguiar Jose | Permit id: Rm0501919
2005/10/070951108 60th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical addition at rear of new family room 242 sf include 1 amp service upgrade
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Aguiar Jose | Permit id: Re0503598
2005/10/070951108 60th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical addition new fau at rear of new family rm 242 sf
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Aguiar Jose | Permit id: Rm0501919
2005/10/070951108 60th Av Oakland Ca
Install new swimming pool - 12x22 adobe canyon pool
Date:  August 1, 2005
Value:   $3,717
Contractor: Nathaniel Kuhn

Client: State Of Calif, Dept. Of Veter | Permit id: Rb0503500
2005/08/013717591226 60th Av Oakland CaNathaniel Kuhn
Replace 12 windows. Replace existing wood siding with stucco. One bedroom window size to meet egress requirement.
Date:  August 5, 2005
Value:   $7,000

Permit id: Rb0503625
2005/08/0570009511 60th Av Oakland Ca
952 sf 2 story addition at rear including exterior landing & stair
Date:  August 18, 2005
Value:   $102,000

Client: Cai Milton | Permit id: Rb0503803
2005/08/18102000951322 60th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition
Date:  May 10, 2006

Client: Cai Milton | Permit id: Re0601520
2006/05/100951322 60th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition, gas test, exhaust fans.
Date:  May 10, 2006

Client: Cai Milton | Permit id: Rm0600849
2006/05/100951322 60th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition, 2nd water heater
Date:  May 10, 2006

Client: Cai Milton | Permit id: Rp0601207
2006/05/100951322 60th Av Oakland Ca
Approx 675 sf 1 story addition at rear of sfd drd05-234
Date:  August 19, 2005
Value:   $72,225

Client: Ayala Lidia | Permit id: Rb0503832
2005/08/1972225951366 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 675 sf addition
Date:  November 14, 2005

Client: Ayala Lidia | Permit id: Re0504054
2005/11/140951366 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for 675 sf addition - furnace, heat ducts, flue
Date:  November 14, 2005

Client: Ayala Lidia | Permit id: Rm0502161
2005/11/140951366 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Replace water supply pipes.
Date:  May 2, 2005

Client: Ayala Lidia | Permit id: Rp0501267
2005/05/020951366 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for 675 sf addition - one bathroom
Date:  November 14, 2005

Client: Ayala Lidia | Permit id: Rp0503310
2005/11/140951366 63rd Av Oakland Ca
Replacing of concrete foundation cap, new copper pipe
Date:  September 15, 2005
Value:   $12,000

Client: Herrera Secundino G Heirs Of E | Permit id: Rb0504290
2005/09/1512000951337 61st Av Oakland Ca
1 shower, sink, washer, wtr svcs
Date:  September 15, 2005

Client: Herrera Secundino G Heirs Of E | Permit id: Rp0502719
2005/09/150951337 61st Av Oakland Ca
General remodeel, new electrical, plumbing, mechanical, new drywall through out.
Date:  September 16, 2005
Value:   $20,000

Client: Anna Dubon | Permit id: Rb0504318
2005/09/1620000951166 71st Av Oakland Ca
General remodeel, new electrical, plumbing, mechanical, new drywall through out.
Date:  September 16, 2005

Client: Anna Dubon | Permit id: Re0503323
2005/09/160951166 71st Av Oakland Ca
Adding 675 sq. Ft. 2 bedroom plus sitting room at rear drd05-0159
Date:  October 25, 2005
Value:   $80,000
Contractor: Orlando S Bustos

Client: Fortner Elaine | Permit id: Rb0505030
2005/10/258000070924 71st Av Oakland CaOrlando S Bustos
1 furnace, 1 envir air duct.
Date:  February 17, 2006
Contractor: Orlando S Bustos

Client: Fortner Elaine | Permit id: Rm0600308
2006/02/17070924 71st Av Oakland CaOrlando S Bustos
2 circuit, 5 switch, 15 receptacle, 1 furnace. 10/23: new 1 amp service.
Date:  February 17, 2006
Contractor: Orlando S Bustos

Client: Fortner Elaine | Permit id: Re0600527
2006/02/17070924 71st Av Oakland CaOrlando S Bustos
1 toilet, 1 lav, 1 shower, 1 water alt, 1 waste/vent.
Date:  February 17, 2006
Contractor: Orlando S Bustos

Client: Fortner Elaine | Permit id: Rp0600449
2006/02/17070924 71st Av Oakland CaOrlando S Bustos
Demolish illegal bathroom outside the garage on the side and in the rear corner.
Date:  November 4, 2005

Client: Velasco, Rafael | Permit id: Rb0505169
2005/11/04095932 69th Av Oakland Ca
Remove illegal carport and remove bathroom, kitchen, lvining room and bedrooms to convert garage back to original use
Date:  November 4, 2005
Value:   $1,000

Client: Velasco, Rafael | Permit id: Rb0505171
2005/11/04100095932 69th Av Oakland Ca
Remove electrical from illegal conversion
Date:  December 8, 2005

Client: Velasco, Rafael | Permit id: Re0504293
2005/12/08095932 69th Av Oakland Ca
Remove plumbing from illegal conversion #0506010
Date:  December 8, 2005

Client: Velasco, Rafael | Permit id: Rp0503498
2005/12/08095932 69th Av Oakland Ca
New 1,7 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd
Date:  November 16, 2005
Value:   $181,883
Contractor: Larry Rogers

Client: Rogers Doris | Permit id: Rb0505339
2005/11/16181883911023 70th Av Oakland CaLarry Rogers
Electrical for new 1,7 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd
Date:  January 23, 2006
Contractor: Larry Rogers

Client: Rogers Doris | Permit id: Re0600265
2006/01/230911023 70th Av Oakland CaLarry Rogers
Mechanical for new 1,7 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd
Date:  January 23, 2006
Contractor: Larry Rogers

Client: Rogers Doris | Permit id: Rm0600170
2006/01/230911023 70th Av Oakland CaLarry Rogers
Plumbing for new 1,7 sq. Ft. 3 bedroom sfd
Date:  January 23, 2006
Contractor: Larry Rogers

Client: Rogers Doris | Permit id: Rp0600217
2006/01/230911023 70th Av Oakland CaLarry Rogers
New sfd 1556 sf w/2 car attached garage.
Date:  December 5, 2005
Value:   $200,000

Permit id: Rb0505549
2005/12/05200000951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/new sfd 1556 sf / 2 amp service.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Permit id: Re0600489
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Temporary power
Date:  March 6, 2006

Permit id: Re0600647
2006/03/060951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new sfd 1556 sf furnace system, gas test, etc.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Permit id: Rm0600289
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/new sfd 1556 sf w/2 car attached garage.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Permit id: Rp0600421
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical new sfd 1556 sf 2 amp service.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Client: Wicks Tony D & Anne K | Permit id: Re0600489
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical new sfd 1556 sf furnace system, gas test, etc.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Client: Wicks Tony D & Anne K | Permit id: Rm0600289
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing new sfd 1556 sf w 2 car attached garage.
Date:  February 15, 2006

Client: Wicks Tony D & Anne K | Permit id: Rp0600421
2006/02/150951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
New sfd 1556 sf w 2 car attached garage.
Date:  December 5, 2005
Value:   $200,000

Client: Wicks Tony D & Anne K | Permit id: Rb0505549
2005/12/05200000951123 70th Av Oakland Ca
Remove 10x sq. Ft. Accessory structure at rear of building
Date:  December 8, 2005
Value:   $950
Contractor: Hiawatha T Roberts

Client: Holmes Lola Tr | Permit id: Rb0505608
2005/12/08950591061 71st Av Oakland CaHiawatha T Roberts
New 2 story addition at rear of existing sfd: 3 brdms 949sf and 1 new bathrm
Date:  December 9, 2005
Value:   $105,000

Permit id: Rb0505629
2005/12/09105000951186 60th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 2nd story addition
Date:  August 4, 2006

Permit id: Re0602614
2006/08/040951186 60th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for 2nd story addition
Date:  August 4, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601343
2006/08/040951186 60th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for 2nd story addition
Date:  August 4, 2006

Permit id: Rp0602126
2006/08/040951186 60th Av Oakland Ca
Retrofit windows white vinyl, no structural changes
Date:  January 31, 2006
Value:   $7,000

Client: Roby Donald W | Permit id: Rb0600384
2006/01/317000951284 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Install vynil siding on entire house
Date:  July 13, 2007
Value:   $25,000

Client: Roby Donald W | Permit id: Rb0703221
2007/07/1325000951284 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps; replace fuses with circuit breakers, new dryer circuit.
Date:  July 24, 2003

Client: Roby Donald W | Permit id: Re0302727
2003/07/240951284 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear
Date:  February 2, 2006
Value:   $47,000
Contractor: Anthony Devigal

Client: Rodriguez Oscar O | Permit id: Rb0600430
2006/02/024700093963 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Devigal
Addition at rear
Date:  July 30, 2007
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Anthony Devigal

Client: Rodriguez Oscar O | Permit id: Rb0703496
2007/07/30100093963 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Devigal
Electrical for rear addition.
Date:  May 17, 2006

Client: Rodriguez Oscar O | Permit id: Re0601618
2006/05/17095963 72nd Av Oakland Ca
1 wall furnace.
Date:  August 1, 2007
Contractor: Anthony Devigal

Client: Rodriguez Oscar O | Permit id: Rm0701429
2007/08/01093963 72nd Av Oakland CaAnthony Devigal
Plumbing for new bathroom addition.
Date:  May 17, 2006

Client: Rodriguez Oscar O | Permit id: Rp0601304
2006/05/17095963 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Restore garage door & use as attached garage/storage for sfd 2/27/06 remove attached garage foot/storage to abate 0600564
Date:  February 17, 2006
Value:   $350

Client: Hernandez Yolanda R | Permit id: Rb0600631
2006/02/17350951142 69th Av Oakland Ca
Restore garage door & use as attached garage storage for sfd 2 27 06 remove attached garage foot storage to abate 0600564
Date:  February 17, 2006
Value:   $350

Client: Hernandez Yolanda R | Permit id: Rb0600631
2006/02/17350951142 69th Av Oakland Ca
Construct 5 sq. Ft. Secondary unit
Date:  March 27, 2006
Value:   $60,000

Permit id: Rb0601167
2006/03/2760000951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/new secondary unit; 1 amp service, meter,
Date:  June 19, 2006

Permit id: Re0601990
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new secondary unit; wall furnace, gas test, dryer range, flue.
Date:  June 19, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601056
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/new secondary unit
Date:  June 19, 2006

Permit id: Rp0601583
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical new secondary unit; wall furnace, gas test, dryer range, flue.
Date:  June 19, 2006

Client: Preciado Santiago M & Perla E | Permit id: Rm0601056
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical new secondary unit; 1 amp service, meter,
Date:  June 19, 2006

Client: Preciado Santiago M & Perla E | Permit id: Re0601990
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing new secondary unit
Date:  June 19, 2006

Client: Preciado Santiago M & Perla E | Permit id: Rp0601583
2006/06/190951376 64th Av Oakland Ca
Demo detached garage at rear of property
Date:  March 29, 2006

Client: Moises Lopez | Permit id: Rb0601221
2006/03/290951207 60th Av Oakland Ca
New electrical service meter. Work done w/o permit
Date:  March 29, 2006

Client: Mosies Perez | Permit id: Re0601046
2006/03/290951207 60th Av Oakland Ca
Repair or replace service.
Date:  October 15, 2008

Client: Jian Pan Lei | Permit id: Re0803176
2008/10/150951207 60th Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater in same location.
Date:  January 6, 2009

Client: Jian Pan Lei | Permit id: Rp0900074
2009/01/060951207 60th Av Oakland Ca
New electrical service meter. Work done w o permit
Date:  March 29, 2006
Contractor: Luis Hernandez

Client: Mosies Perez | Permit id: Re0601046
2006/03/290991207 60th Av Oakland CaLuis Hernandez
Repair fire damage to roof, windows, sheetrock, new siding or repair as needed, entire kitchen redo, water heater shed
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $11,500

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rb0601643
2006/04/2611500951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0601643 / fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007
Value:   $5,000

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rb0703620
2007/08/065000951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Repair mast wires and reset meter.
Date:  December 22, 2005

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Re0504465
2005/12/220951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for fire dmage repair
Date:  June 15, 2006
Contractor: Doyal Watts

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Re0601965
2006/06/150701069 69th Av Oakland CaDoyal Watts
Complete re0601965 / fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Re0702674
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for fire dmage repair
Date:  June 15, 2006
Contractor: Doyal Watts

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rm0601043
2006/06/150701069 69th Av Oakland CaDoyal Watts
Complete rm0601043 / fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rm0701440
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for fire dmage repair
Date:  June 15, 2006
Contractor: Doyal Watts

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rp0601562
2006/06/150701069 69th Av Oakland CaDoyal Watts
Complete rp0601562 / fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rp0702227
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0601643 fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007
Value:   $5,000

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rb0703620
2007/08/065000951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Complete re0601965 fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Re0702674
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rm0601043 fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rm0701440
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Complete rp0601562 fire repair, remodel kitchen
Date:  August 6, 2007

Client: Brown Charmion | Permit id: Rp0702227
2007/08/060951069 69th Av Oakland Ca
Abate 0506925 - work without permit, alteration to rear accessory structure, new windows on front of house
Date:  May 1, 2006
Value:   $1,873

Client: Hector Huerta | Permit id: Rb0601701
2006/05/01187395965 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - replace water heater, gas test
Date:  November 16, 2006

Client: Hector Huerta | Permit id: Rp0603187
2006/11/16095965 70th Av Oakland Ca
Entire fnd replacement
Date:  June 9, 2006
Value:   $10,000

Client: Campbell Edna | Permit id: Rb0602408
2006/06/0910000951314 60th Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen & 2 bath remodels, drywall, cabinets, tiling complaint #0602013
Date:  June 14, 2006
Value:   $15,000

Client: Edgley Harrison | Permit id: Rb0602479
2006/06/1415000951145 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Remodel and legalize existing 392 sq. Ft. Addition at rear, with 2 added bedrooms. Replace foundation thru-out house,
Date:  February 8, 2007
Value:   $62,000
Contractor: Jerald N Vallan Sr

Client: Norwood R A | Permit id: Rb0700588
2007/02/0862000561145 72nd Av Oakland CaJerald N Vallan Sr
646 sf one story rear addition including 1 new bedroom
Date:  June 20, 2006
Value:   $70,000

Permit id: Rb0602582
2006/06/207000095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/646 sf one story rear addition including 1 new be
Date:  October 18, 2006

Permit id: Re0603499
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new wall furnace, flue
Date:  October 18, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601832
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/new bathroom, gas test for wall furnace
Date:  October 18, 2006

Permit id: Rp0602924
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical new wall furnace, flue
Date:  October 18, 2006

Client: Guzman Ruben & Leonila | Permit id: Rm0601832
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing new bathroom, gas test for wall furnace
Date:  October 18, 2006

Client: Guzman Ruben & Leonila | Permit id: Rp0602924
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
Electrical 646 sf one story rear addition including 1 new be
Date:  October 18, 2006

Client: Guzman Ruben & Leonila | Permit id: Re0603499
2006/10/18095877 71st Av Oakland Ca
New 1533 sf sfd with attached garage; includes 3 bdrms
Date:  July 13, 2006
Value:   $165,000

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rb0602982
2006/07/13165000951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Continue and final new 1533 sf sfd with attached garage; includes 3 bdrms, started under rb0602982
Date:  January 22, 2008
Value:   $1,000

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rb0800331
2008/01/221000951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
New 1533 sf sfd with attached garage; temporary power
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Re0603819
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
1 amp & electrical for new 1533 sf sfd w/attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Re0603821
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the 1 amp & electrical for new 1533 sf sfd w/attached garage started under re0603821
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Re0800878
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
New dual heat/cool central unit w/new ducts, flue, gas test and range for new 1533 sf sfd w/attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rm0602014
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the mechanical work: new dual heat/cool central unit w/new ducts, flue, gas test and range for new 1533 sf
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rm0800525
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new 1533 sf sfd w/attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rp0603150
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the plumbing for new 1533 sf sfd w/attached garage started under rp0603150
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rp0800674
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
New dual heat cool central unit w new ducts, flue, gas test and range for new 1533 sf sfd w attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rm0602014
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the 1 amp & electrical for new 1533 sf sfd w attached garage started under re0603821
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Re0800878
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the mechanical work: new dual heat cool central unit w new ducts, flue, gas test and range for new 1533 sf
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rm0800525
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Complete the plumbing for new 1533 sf sfd w attached garage started under rp0603150
Date:  March 13, 2008

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rp0800674
2008/03/130951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
1 amp & electrical for new 1533 sf sfd w attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Re0603821
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new 1533 sf sfd w attached garage
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Mejia Francisco Reynaldo | Permit id: Rp0603150
2006/11/140951118 71st Av Oakland Ca
Demolish 2 -story duplex 19 sf total.
Date:  July 24, 2006

Client: Housing Authority City Of Oakl | Permit id: Rb0603161
2006/07/24095801 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demolish 1 story sfd 12 sf
Date:  July 24, 2006

Client: Housing Authority City Of Oakl | Permit id: Rb0603162
2006/07/24095809 70th Av Oakland Ca
Demolish 1 story warehouse 12 sf
Date:  July 24, 2006

Client: Housing Authority City Of Oakl | Permit id: Rb0603163
2006/07/2409569 Snell St Oakland Ca
Lion creek crossings phase iv affordable housing--72 units in 4-story woodframe construction; 11 parcels
Date:  September 4, 2008

Client: Oakland Housing Authority | Permit id: Rz08248
2008/09/0409569 Snell St Oakland Ca
Lion creek crossings phase iv affordable housing--72 units in 4-story woodframe construction; 11 parcels
Date:  September 4, 2008
Contractor: Ebaldcener Chiu

Client: Oakland Housing Authority | Permit id: Rz08248
2008/09/0405669 Snell St Oakland CaEbaldcener Chiu
Remove unpermitted bathroom addition,restore garage to original intended use,repair fire damage kitchen and walls
Date:  August 1, 2006
Value:   $44,000

Permit id: Rb0603321
2006/08/0144000956741 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel
Date:  September 6, 2006

Permit id: Re0603000
2006/09/060956741 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Mech remodel
Date:  September 6, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601586
2006/09/060956741 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodle
Date:  September 6, 2006

Permit id: Rp0602431
2006/09/060956741 Eastlawn St Oakland Ca
Replacing stucco & roof framing #0602036
Date:  August 4, 2006
Value:   $6,000

Client: Diaz Antonio | Permit id: Rb0603428
2006/08/046000951066 71st Av Oakland Ca
1 switch
Date:  August 4, 2006

Client: Diaz Antonio | Permit id: Re0602602
2006/08/040951066 71st Av Oakland Ca
1 washer
Date:  August 4, 2006

Client: Diaz Antonio | Permit id: Rp0602113
2006/08/040951066 71st Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear to extend bedrooms, bath and add new bathroom and laundry hook-up. 392 sf. 1 story.
Date:  August 4, 2006
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Evelyn Lewis

Permit id: Rb0603438
2006/08/0450000791102 69th Av Oakland CaEvelyn Lewis
Electrical for installing new fixtures and switches.
Date:  January 10, 2007
Contractor: Evelyn Lewis

Permit id: Re0700161
2007/01/100791102 69th Av Oakland CaEvelyn Lewis
Plumbing for upgrading fixtures.
Date:  January 10, 2007
Contractor: Evelyn Lewis

Permit id: Rp0700141
2007/01/100791102 69th Av Oakland CaEvelyn Lewis
Repair fire damage to rear unit, #1142
Date:  August 11, 2006
Value:   $500

Permit id: Rb0603561
2006/08/11500951144 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Reset electrical for #1144, shut of due to fire damage to rear unit, #1142
Date:  August 11, 2006

Permit id: Re0602689
2006/08/110951144 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Two story rear 1000sf addition & alteration to existing sfd add three new bedrooms to existing 2 bdrms;move one existing
Date:  August 15, 2006
Value:   $108,000

Permit id: Rb0603614
2006/08/15108000951012 69th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for rear addition & alteration to existing sfd
Date:  February 9, 2007

Permit id: Re0700537
2007/02/090951012 69th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for rear addition & alteration to existing sfd
Date:  February 9, 2007

Permit id: Rm0700346
2007/02/090951012 69th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for rear addition & alteration to existing sfd
Date:  February 9, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700497
2007/02/090951012 69th Av Oakland Ca
Build garage at rear
Date:  September 7, 2006
Value:   $6,800

Permit id: Rb0604015
2006/09/076800951236 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/build garage at rear
Date:  March 23, 2007

Permit id: Re0701006
2007/03/230951236 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Electrical build garage at rear
Date:  March 23, 2007

Client: Pouncy Russell & J | Permit id: Re0701006
2007/03/230951236 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Demolish 1500sq ft building
Date:  September 11, 2006
Contractor: Fred Smith Loa Ok

Client: Dodg Corp | Permit id: Rb0604058
2006/09/11056909 71st Av Oakland CaFred Smith Loa Ok
Adding 482 sq. Ft. Master bedroom, bath and extra bedroom
Date:  November 14, 2006
Value:   $51,570

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Rb0605088
2006/11/1451570956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Electrical/adding 482 sq. Ft. Master bedroom, bath and bdrm
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Re0604016
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new furnace system, ducts
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Rm0602114
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Plumbing/add bathroom; gas test for new furnace
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Rp0603314
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Mechanical new furnace system, ducts
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Rm0602114
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Electrical adding 482 sq. Ft. Master bedroom, bath and bdrm
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Re0604016
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Plumbing add bathroom; gas test for new furnace
Date:  December 1, 2006

Client: Bonilla Miguel Angel | Permit id: Rp0603314
2006/12/010956214 Maldon St Oakland Ca
Two story 668. 8 sq. Ft. Addition to create bedroom, bath and closet
Date:  December 4, 2006
Value:   $71,522
Contractor: Oral Brown

Client: Mendoza Carlos | Permit id: Rb0605317
2006/12/047152256961 71st Av Oakland CaOral Brown
Repair fire damage to detached garage.
Date:  December 26, 2006
Value:   $4,500

Permit id: Rb0605606
2006/12/264500951136 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Legalize roof overhang at right rear of house.
Date:  February 15, 2007
Value:   $1,500

Permit id: Rb0700708
2007/02/151500951136 72nd Av Oakland Ca
New electrical for re-build garage
Date:  January 4, 2007

Permit id: Re0700101
2007/01/040951136 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf.
Date:  January 12, 2007
Value:   $75,000

Client: Sowunmi Ekundayo | Permit id: Rb0700186
2007/01/127500095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf.
Date:  February 23, 2009
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Andy Deot

Client: Deot Ravi | Permit id: Rb0900666
2009/02/23500065893 70th Av Oakland CaAndy Deot
1 amp service upgrade and electrical for two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms.
Date:  January 9, 2008

Client: Sowunmi Ekundayo | Permit id: Re0800120
2008/01/09095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
1 amp service upgrade and electrical for two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms,some
Date:  April 21, 2009

Permit id: Re0901071
2009/04/21095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf.
Date:  January 9, 2008

Client: Sowunmi Ekundayo | Permit id: Rm0800097
2008/01/09095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf.
Date:  April 21, 2009

Permit id: Rm0900554
2009/04/21095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf. Plumbing for rb0700186
Date:  January 9, 2008

Client: Sowunmi Ekundayo | Permit id: Rp0800116
2008/01/09095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear to create 2 new bedrooms and bathrooms. 9 sf. Plumbing for rb0700186
Date:  April 21, 2009

Permit id: Rp0900802
2009/04/21095893 70th Av Oakland Ca
Two-story addition at rear for bedroom on 1st floor and master suite at 2nd floor. 644 sf
Date:  February 6, 2007
Value:   $68,000
Contractor: Tony Cotton

Client: Onyeije Patrick A | Permit id: Rb0700548
2007/02/0668000871063 70th Av Oakland CaTony Cotton
Date:  February 9, 2007
Value:   $50,000

Client: Dichoso, Karina | Permit id: Rb0700623
2007/02/0950000951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Raise existing home to add new secondary unit on 1st floor. 6 sf; add 344 sf to rear of 2nd floor. New unit is 1174
Date:  August 9, 2007
Value:   $150,000

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rb0703732
2007/08/09150000951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Demolish dilapidated garage/shed 391 sf.
Date:  September 25, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rb0704464
2007/09/250951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Demolish sfd 861 sf. The two side walls must be salvaged and braced per zoning. Posting previously under design review
Date:  September 25, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rb0704470
2007/09/250951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Electrical work for new secondary unit and rebuild of
Date:  December 5, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Re0704057
2007/12/050951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Changes to the already approved addition and conditional use permit for secondary unity. Needs additional notice for inc
Date:  March 20, 2007
Contractor: Kelly Dichoso

Client: Karina Dichoso | Permit id: Rev070010
2007/03/200561172 72nd Av Oakland CaKelly Dichoso
Mechanical work for new secondary unit and rebuild of
Date:  December 5, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rm0702195
2007/12/050951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing permit for new secondary unit and rebuild of
Date:  December 5, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rp0703351
2007/12/050951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
Demolish dilapidated garage shed 391 sf.
Date:  September 25, 2007

Client: Dichoso Karina | Permit id: Rb0704464
2007/09/250951172 72nd Av Oakland Ca
483 sf one story addition to rear of existing one story sfd convert 1 existing bedroom into a dining rm and create the
Date:  March 12, 2007
Value:   $55,000

Client: Avalos Victor M | Permit id: Rb0701035
2007/03/1255000951048 69th Av Oakland Ca
483 sf one story addition; related electrical convert 1 existing bedroom into a dining rm and create the
Date:  June 18, 2007

Client: Avalos Victor M | Permit id: Re0702080
2007/06/180951048 69th Av Oakland Ca
483 sf one story addition; related mechanical; wall furnace & gas test;
Date:  June 18, 2007

Client: Avalos Victor M | Permit id: Rm0701138
2007/06/180951048 69th Av Oakland Ca
483 sf one story addition; related plumbing for new bathroom
Date:  June 18, 2007

Client: Avalos Victor M | Permit id: Rp0701791
2007/06/180951048 69th Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs 4a, 11a per report attached.
Date:  March 26, 2007
Value:   $4,900

Client: Dungo Eleanor S Etal | Permit id: Rb0701279
2007/03/264900951162 Seminary Av Oakland Ca
Remodel facade
Date:  April 9, 2007
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Santiago Soria

Client: Lopez Ruben A | Permit id: Rb0701516
2007/04/093000561066 72nd Av Oakland CaSantiago Soria
Addition to rear of dwelling
Date:  May 15, 2007
Value:   $30,000

Client: Tak Wei Yu | Permit id: Rb0702169
2007/05/1530000951131 70th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical work to complete rb0702169 addition to rear of dwelling
Date:  June 21, 2007

Client: Tak Wei Yu | Permit id: Re0702129
2007/06/210951131 70th Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical work to complete rb0702169 addition to rear of dwelling
Date:  June 21, 2007

Client: Tak Wei Yu | Permit id: Rm0701175
2007/06/210951131 70th Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing work to complete rb0702169 addition to rear of dwelling
Date:  June 21, 2007

Client: Tak Wei Yu | Permit id: Rp0701839
2007/06/210951131 70th Av Oakland Ca
Replace perimeter & interior fnds,remodel kitchen and bath bldg exterior deck and stairs
Date:  May 17, 2007
Value:   $40,000
Contractor: Lorenzo Alatorres

Client: Jon Freeman | Permit id: Rb0702210
2007/05/174000059971 71st Av Oakland CaLorenzo Alatorres
New electrical,plumbing,and fau for kitchen and bathroom
Date:  May 17, 2007
Contractor: Lorenzo Alatorres

Client: Jon Freeman | Permit id: Re0701705
2007/05/17059971 71st Av Oakland CaLorenzo Alatorres
Meter release and gas test
Date:  September 19, 2008
Contractor: Naborisi Matakibau

Client: Silva Larue | Permit id: Rp0802356
2008/09/19056971 71st Av Oakland CaNaborisi Matakibau

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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