Building Permits at 115121 Boston St Dorchester MA 02125

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Putting in a parting partiton thats aproxmatiely 79ft by 14ft high. Also another partition 10 by 10 with; door. And install 10 x 10 partition with a door way for bathroom
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf165163 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/07/23250079115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John F Kerins
Purchase and install aproximately 30 2by 4 ceiling mounted florescented fixtures. 7 emergency lights and 7 exit lights and 20 plugs and 10 switches and 1 30 circuit panel.
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E165171 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/07/23350093115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
Remodeling - first floor
Date:  October 30, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: James M Sargent

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Plumbing | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl196295 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/10/302500082115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125James M Sargent
Supply and install gas piping too 8 unit heaters in 4 spaces totally 1 380 000 too 4 gas meters
Date:  October 31, 2012
Value:   $1,200
Contractor: Michael Brandano

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Gas | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G196198 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/10/311200100115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Michael Brandano
Replace 5 existing gas fired unit heaters and install 1 new heater. Gas piping by others.
Date:  November 23, 2012
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Kenneth Mckeen

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Gas | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G193142 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/11/231200066115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Kenneth Mckeen
Work in addition to permit #sf165163. Two additional partitions.
Date:  November 30, 2012
Value:   $22,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf204054 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/11/302250079115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John F Kerins
Cut and cap existing lines ; ; [3]; 5x4; rdwy only ; boston police area c; 343-4343; all work 9:30 am to 3:30 pm; maintain pedestrian safety &; thru traffic; ;
Date:  December 7, 2012

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Maintenance | Permit id: Exca-20548 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/12/07095115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125
General renovations to entire building inside and outside including interior walls adding 5 bathrooms exterior siding andgutters and electrical upgrades
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $400,000
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf206612 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/12/1040000093115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
Changing occupancy to include trade uses as follows.;warehouse storage offices and carpentry. ;work to be done to configure the;commercial spaces.
Date:  December 20, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Change occupancy | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt109210 | Parcel: 703438000
2012/12/202500096115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Peter Lyons
Install new fire alarm system to monitor sprikler system (currently not monitored) and building. Also install smokes pull stations strobes horn strobes water gong moduales for flow and tamper switches.
Date:  February 22, 2013
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Michael Thompson

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Fire alarm | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Efa221850 | Parcel: 703438000
2013/02/221000098115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Michael Thompson
Installing (6) 3 phase &; (2) 30 volt single electric plugs.
Date:  March 5, 2013
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E224893 | Parcel: 703438000
2013/03/05250093115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
Removal of structure front building
Date:  March 7, 2013
Value:   $12,500
Contractor: Lawrence Mawn

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Demolition - exterio | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf223931 | Parcel: 703438000
2013/03/071250069115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Lawrence Mawn
Warehouse storage offices and carpentry alt109210 issued 12 20 2012 sf204054 issued 11 30 2012 sf165163 issued 7 23 2012 sf206612 issued 12 10 2012 &; sf223931 issued 3 7 2013 coo for warehouse storage offices &; carpentry
Date:  July 10, 2013
Value:   $462,500
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Change occupancy | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Coo250436 | Parcel: 703438000
2013/07/1046250096115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Peter Lyons
Sidewalk repair; ; money on deposit for sdwk
Date:  October 22, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Maintenance | Permit id: Exca-29786 | Parcel: 703438000
2013/10/22095115-121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125
Installing 2 new 4" flow switches installing new anti-freeze loop installing new tamper switches installing new 165 upright heads under garrage doors installing new bell &; strob light
Date:  February 1, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk191944 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/01095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Sidewalk deposit for 115 boston st dorchester; 6588. 00; deposit includes a non-refundable permit fee of 60. &; an inspection fee of 200. 00; amount to be returned is 6328. 00; this is not a permit to occupy or to excavate.; money to be returned upon completion of work &; satisfactory inspection by boston dpw
Date:  November 9, 2012

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Sidewalk deposit | Permit id: Sdep-199276 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/09095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Warehouse storage offices and carpentry alt1092 issued 12/20/2012 sf204054 issued 11/30/2012 sf165163 issued 7/23/2012 sf206612 issued 12/10/2012 &; sf223931 issued 3/7/2013 coo for warehouse storage offices &; carpentry
Date:  July 10, 2013
Value:   $462,500
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Coo250436 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/07/1046250096115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaPeter Lyons
Stand boom truck at curb/ pedestrian staging on sidewalk under boom area
Date:  March 11, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: April 12, 2013 | Permit id: Occu-197960 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/11095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Changing occupancy to include trade uses as follows.;warehouse storage offices and carpentry. ;work to be done to configure the;commercial spaces.
Date:  December 20, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: June 20, 2013 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt109210 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/202500096115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaPeter Lyons
Work in addition to permit #sf165163. Two additional partitions.
Date:  November 30, 2012
Value:   $22,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf204054 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/302250079115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn F Kerins
Installation of new fa system. Doc#20130039
Date:  February 19, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Bfd fire alarm installations | Permit id: Bfdf214610 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/19095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
General renovations to entire building inside and outside including interior walls adding 5 bathrooms exterior siding andgutters and electrical upgrades
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $400,000
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf206612 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/1040000093115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Supply and install gas piping too 8 unit heaters in 4 spaces totally 1 3 0 too 4 gas meters
Date:  October 31, 2012
Value:   $1,200
Contractor: Robert Devoe

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: April 30, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G196198 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/31120096115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaRobert Devoe
Putting in a parting partiton thats aproxmatiely 79ft by 14ft high. Also another partition by with; door. And install x partition with a door way for bathroom
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf165163 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23250079115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn F Kerins
Sidewalk repair; /; money on deposit for sdwk
Date:  October 22, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: October 29, 2013 | Permit id: Exca-297864 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/10/22095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Replace 5 existing gas fired unit heaters and install 1 new heater. Gas piping by others.
Date:  November 23, 2012
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Kenneth Mckeen

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: May 23, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G193142 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/231200066115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaKenneth Mckeen
Install new fire alarm system to monitor sprikler system (currently not monitored) and building. Also install smokes pull stations strobes horn/strobes water gong moduales for flow and tamper switches.
Date:  February 22, 2013
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Michael Thompson

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Electrical fire alarms | Expiration date: August 22, 2013 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Efa221850 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/221000098115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaMichael Thompson
Bfd chemist certificate proces
Date:  July 5, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit id: Chm260866 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/07/05095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Removal of structure front building
Date:  March 7, 2013
Value:   $12,500
Contractor: Lawrence Mawn

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf223931 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/071250069115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaLawrence Mawn
Remodeling - first floor
Date:  October 30, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: James M Sargent

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: April 30, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl196295 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/302500082115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJames M Sargent
Demolition of front portion of building
Date:  March 6, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Bfd construction demo reno | Permit id: Fdc223970 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/06095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Cut and cap existing lines ;/ [3]; 5x4; rdwy only / boston police area c; 343-4343; all work 9: am to 3: pm; maintain pedestrian safety &; thru traffic; ;
Date:  December 7, 2012

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: December 14, 2012 | Permit id: Exca-205480 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/07095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Purchase and install aproximately 2by 4 ceiling mounted florescented fixtures. 7 emergency lights and 7 exit lights and plugs and switches and 1 circuit panel.
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: January 23, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E165171 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23350093115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Installing (6) 3 phase &; (2) volt single electric plugs.
Date:  March 5, 2013
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: September 5, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E224893 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/05250093115 121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Relay gas service; 5 x 4 rdwy; # 1353936833359
Date:  January 11, 2013

Client: P J Odonnell Co | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: December 21, 2012 | Permit id: Exca-204546 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/01/11095115 121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Security system upgrade
Date:  April 28, 2016
Value:   $529
Contractor: Thomas Lee

Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv584385 | Parcel: 0703438000
2016/04/2852998115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Thomas Lee
Replace 5 existing gas fired unit heaters and install 1 new heater. Gas piping by others.
Date:  November 23, 2012
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Kenneth Mckeen

Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G193142 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/231200066115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Kenneth Mckeen
Supply and install gas piping too 8 unit heaters in 4 spaces totally 1 3 0 too 4 gas meters
Date:  October 31, 2012
Value:   $1,200
Contractor: Michael Brandano

Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G196198 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/311200100115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Michael Brandano
Purchase and install aproximately 2by 4 ceiling mounted florescented fixtures. 7 emergency lights and 7 exit lights and plugs and switches and 1 circuit panel.
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E165171 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23350093115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
Removal of structure front building
Date:  March 7, 2013
Value:   $12,500
Contractor: Lawrence Mawn

Permit type: Demolition - exterior | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf223931 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/071250069115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Lawrence Mawn
Installing (6) 3 phase &; (2) volt single electric plugs.
Date:  March 5, 2013
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E224893 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/05250093115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
General renovations to entire building inside and outside including interior walls adding 5 bathrooms exterior siding andgutters and electrical upgrades
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $400,000
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Interior/exterior work | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf206612 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/1040000093115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John Kerins
Changing occupancy to include trade uses as follows.;warehouse storage offices and carpentry. ;work to be done to configure the;commercial spaces.
Date:  December 20, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt109210 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/202500096115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Peter Lyons
Install new fire alarm system to monitor sprikler system (currently not monitored) and building. Also install smokes pull stations strobes horn strobes water gong moduales for flow and tamper switches.
Date:  February 22, 2013
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Michael Thompson

Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Efa221850 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/221000098115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Michael Thompson
Remodeling - first floor
Date:  October 30, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: James M Sargent

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl196295 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/302500082115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125James M Sargent
Putting in a parting partiton thats aproxmatiely 79ft by 14ft high. Also another partition by with; door. And install x partition with a door way for bathroom
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Permit type: Interior/exterior work | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf165163 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23250079115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John F Kerins
Work in addition to permit #sf165163. Two additional partitions.
Date:  November 30, 2012
Value:   $22,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Permit type: Interior/exterior work | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf204054 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/302250079115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125John F Kerins
Warehouse storage offices and carpentry alt1092 issued 12 20 2012 sf204054 issued 11 30 2012 sf165163 issued 7 23 2012 sf206612 issued 12 10 2012 &; sf223931 issued 3 7 2013 coo for warehouse storage offices &; carpentry
Date:  July 10, 2013
Value:   $462,500
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Coo250436 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/07/1046250096115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma 02125Peter Lyons
Security system upgrade
Date:  April 28, 2016
Value:   $529
Contractor: Thomas Lee

Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: October 28, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv584385 | Parcel: 0703438000
2016/04/2852998115121 Boston St Dorchester MaThomas Lee
Warehouse storage offices and carpentry alt1092 issued 12 20 2012 sf204054 issued 11 30 2012 sf165163 issued 7 23 2012 sf206612 issued 12 10 2012 &; sf223931 issued 3 7 2013 coo for warehouse storage offices &; carpentry
Date:  July 10, 2013
Value:   $462,500
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Coo250436 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/07/1046250096115121 Boston St Dorchester MaPeter Lyons
Putting in a parting partiton thats aproxmatiely 79ft by 14ft high. Also another partition by with; door. And install x partition with a door way for bathroom
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf165163 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23250079115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn F Kerins
Relay gas service; 5 x 4 rdwy; # 1353936833359
Date:  January 11, 2013

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: December 21, 2012 | Permit id: Exca-204546 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/01/11095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Remodeling - first floor
Date:  October 30, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: James M Sargent

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: April 30, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Pl196295 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/302500082115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJames M Sargent
Bfd chemist certificate proces
Date:  July 5, 2013

Permit id: Chm260866 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/07/05095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Installing (6) 3 phase &; (2) volt single electric plugs.
Date:  March 5, 2013
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: September 5, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E224893 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/05250093115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Purchase and install aproximately 2by 4 ceiling mounted florescented fixtures. 7 emergency lights and 7 exit lights and plugs and switches and 1 circuit panel.
Date:  July 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: January 23, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E165171 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/07/23350093115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Changing occupancy to include trade uses as follows.;warehouse storage offices and carpentry. ;work to be done to configure the;commercial spaces.
Date:  December 20, 2012
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Peter Lyons

Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: June 20, 2013 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt109210 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/202500096115121 Boston St Dorchester MaPeter Lyons
Installing 2 new 4" flow switches installing new anti-freeze loop installing new tamper switches installing new 165 upright heads under garrage doors installing new bell &; strob light
Date:  February 1, 2013

Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk191944 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/01095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
General renovations to entire building inside and outside including interior walls adding 5 bathrooms exterior siding andgutters and electrical upgrades
Date:  December 10, 2012
Value:   $400,000
Contractor: John Kerins

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf206612 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/1040000093115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn Kerins
Replace 5 existing gas fired unit heaters and install 1 new heater. Gas piping by others.
Date:  November 23, 2012
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Kenneth Mckeen

Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: May 23, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G193142 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/231200066115121 Boston St Dorchester MaKenneth Mckeen
Install new fire alarm system to monitor sprikler system (currently not monitored) and building. Also install smokes pull stations strobes horn strobes water gong moduales for flow and tamper switches.
Date:  February 22, 2013
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Michael Thompson

Permit type: Electrical fire alarms | Expiration date: August 22, 2013 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Efa221850 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/221000098115121 Boston St Dorchester MaMichael Thompson
Stand boom truck at curb pedestrian staging on sidewalk under boom area
Date:  March 11, 2013

Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: April 12, 2013 | Permit id: Occu-197960 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/11095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Removal of structure front building
Date:  March 7, 2013
Value:   $12,500
Contractor: Lawrence Mawn

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf223931 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/071250069115121 Boston St Dorchester MaLawrence Mawn
Demolition of front portion of building
Date:  March 6, 2013

Permit type: Bfd construction demo reno | Permit id: Fdc223970 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/03/06095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Supply and install gas piping too 8 unit heaters in 4 spaces totally 1 3 0 too 4 gas meters
Date:  October 31, 2012
Value:   $1,200
Contractor: Michael Brandano

Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: April 30, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G196198 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/10/311200100115121 Boston St Dorchester MaMichael Brandano
Sidewalk deposit for 115 boston st dorchester; 6588. 00; deposit includes a non-refundable permit fee of 60. &; an inspection fee of 200. 00; amount to be returned is 6328. 00; this is not a permit to occupy or to excavate.; money to be returned upon completion of work &; satisfactory inspection by boston dpw
Date:  November 9, 2012

Permit type: Sidewalk deposit | Permit id: Sdep-199276 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/09095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Installation of new fa system. Doc#20130039
Date:  February 19, 2013

Permit type: Bfd fire alarm installations | Permit id: Bfdf214610 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/02/19095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Sidewalk repair; ; money on deposit for sdwk
Date:  October 22, 2013

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: October 29, 2013 | Permit id: Exca-297864 | Parcel: 0703438000
2013/10/22095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma
Work in addition to permit #sf165163. Two additional partitions.
Date:  November 30, 2012
Value:   $22,500
Contractor: John F Kerins

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf204054 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/11/302250079115121 Boston St Dorchester MaJohn F Kerins
Cut and cap existing lines ; ; [3]; 5x4; rdwy only ; boston police area c; 343-4343; all work 9: am to 3: pm; maintain pedestrian safety &; thru traffic; ;
Date:  December 7, 2012

Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: December 14, 2012 | Permit id: Exca-205480 | Parcel: 0703438000
2012/12/07095115121 Boston St Dorchester Ma

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