Building Permits at 114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100102 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 27, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100102 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100106 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 27, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100106 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100112 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187112 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Fire alarm system for building per cbc and nfpa 72 with sprinkelr monitoring
Date:  August 27, 2010
Value:   $11,500
Contractor: Mike J. Caruso

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 27, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201008279690
2010/08/2711500100112 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaMike J. Caruso
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: May 7, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187112 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187104 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: May 7, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187104 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187108 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg #11: reference pa# 2005-1228-1131 -manufactures floor & roof truss designs & calculations.
Date:  January 5, 2011
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: May 7, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201101057881
2011/01/05187108 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011 08 26 3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  August 29, 2011
Value:   $76,072

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108293451
2011/08/2976072100114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns 1 horn strobe 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,750
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201112150759
2011/12/15975086114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  January 26, 2012
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/01/26187114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns 1 horn strobe 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,750
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: June 15, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201112150759
2011/12/15975086114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: June 7, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/02/07187114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Building 13 114 116 118 1 122 124 emerald cove terrace

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Ew20110831121
095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Building 13 114 116 118 1 122 124 emerald cove terrace

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Ew20110831121
095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Address assignment.
Date:  October 15, 2007

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: October 12, 2007 | Permit id: M90562
2007/10/15095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $15,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: March 27, 2012 | Expiration date: August 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201108263354
2011/08/261500095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011 08 26 3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  November 2, 2011
Value:   $76,800

Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Expiration date: August 29, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201108293451
2011/11/027680095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns,1 horn strobe, 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 1, 2012 | Expiration date: December 15, 2011 | Permit id: 201112150759
2011/12/15900095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 1, 2012 | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201201262930
2012/02/07195114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Building 13 114,116,118,120,122,124 emerald cove terrace
Date:  August 31, 2011

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 23, 2012 | Permit id: Ew20110831121
2011/08/31095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Work category: 2pb; underground through finish plumbing for a six (6) unit condominium building including installation of short (15 or less) sewer and water service laterals
Date:  August 22, 2011

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 19, 2012 | Expiration date: August 22, 2011 | Permit id: Pw20110822210
2011/08/22095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Work category: 2m ; new hvac system in 6 units
Date:  November 1, 2011

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 19, 2012 | Expiration date: November 1, 2011 | Permit id: Pmw20111101479
2011/11/01095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
114-124 emerald cove terrance:install underground & overhead fire protection system for entire building.
Date:  August 29, 2011

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 26, 2012 | Expiration date: August 29, 2011 | Permit id: Pp20110829611
2011/08/29095114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011/08/26/3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  November 2, 2011
Value:   $76,072

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 2, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108293451
2011/11/0276072100114 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011 08 26 3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  August 29, 2011
Value:   $76,072

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108293451
2011/08/2976072100124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns 1 horn strobe 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,750
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201112150759
2011/12/15975086124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  January 26, 2012
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/01/26187124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Fire alarm wiring and installation
Date:  December 19, 2011

Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Ew20111219401
2011/12/19086124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaGator Tech Integration I Gator Home Tech
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns 1 horn strobe 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,750
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: June 15, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201112150759
2011/12/15975086124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: June 7, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/02/07187124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Fire alarm wiring and installation

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Ew20111219401
095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Fire alarm wiring and installation

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Ew20111219401
095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Address assignment.
Date:  October 15, 2007

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: October 12, 2007 | Permit id: M90567
2007/10/15095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $15,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: March 27, 2012 | Expiration date: August 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201108263354
2011/08/261500095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011 08 26 3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  November 2, 2011
Value:   $76,800

Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Expiration date: August 29, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201108293451
2011/11/027680095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg #13: fire alarm wiring and installation with horns,1 horn strobe, 1 smoke detector and pull station.
Date:  December 15, 2011
Value:   $9,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 1, 2012 | Expiration date: December 15, 2011 | Permit id: 201112150759
2011/12/15900095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 1, 2012 | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201201262930
2012/02/07195124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Fire alarm wiring and installation
Date:  December 19, 2011

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 20, 2012 | Permit id: Ew20111219401
2011/12/19095124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Bldg# 13. Thorpe design to install overhead fire sprinkler system. Ref to underground pa# 2011/08/26/3354. (148 sprinkler heads total)
Date:  November 2, 2011
Value:   $76,072

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 2, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108293451
2011/11/0276072100124 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Thorpe design to install new fire service underground 2 in and overhead fire sprinkler system
Date:  April 5, 2011
Value:   $70,000

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201104053463
2011/04/0570000100101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Submit floor a roof truss designs and calculations. Ref app#200512281137
Date:  August 18, 2011
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108182734
2011/08/18187101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Building 12 101 103 105 107 109 emerald cove terrace
Date:  April 4, 2011

Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Ew20110404881
2011/04/04086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaCrockett Electric Co
Fire alarm system for attached multi dwelling unit
Date:  September 26, 2011

Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Ew20110916921
2011/09/26086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaGator Tech Integration I Gator Home Tech
Thorpe design to install new fire service underground 2 in and overhead fire sprinkler system
Date:  April 5, 2011
Value:   $70,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: April 5, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201104053463
2011/04/0570000100101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Thorpe inc. Design to install a private fire service at the address listed above. Thorpe design inc. Shall also install the overhead fire sprinkler system.
Date:  April 5, 2011
Contractor: Thorpe Design Inc

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20110405248
2011/04/05099101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaThorpe Design Inc
Work category: 2m ; new hvac system in 5 units
Date:  June 2, 2011

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pmw20110602791
2011/06/02067101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaCentury Htg And Air Cond. Dba 4 Seasons Ht
Work category: 2pb; underground through finish plumbing for a five (5) unit condominium building including installation of short (15 or less) sewer and water service laterals
Date:  March 28, 2011
Contractor: Daniel L Marks Inc

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pw20110328728
2011/03/28089101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaDaniel L Marks Inc
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Submit floor a roof truss designs and calculations. Ref app#200512281137
Date:  September 19, 2011
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 19, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108182734
2011/09/19187101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086101 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Thorpe design to install new fire service underground 2 in and overhead fire sprinkler system
Date:  April 5, 2011
Value:   $70,000

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201104053463
2011/04/0570000100109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Submit floor a roof truss designs and calculations. Ref app#200512281137
Date:  August 18, 2011
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108182734
2011/08/18187109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Thorpe design to install new fire service underground 2 in and overhead fire sprinkler system
Date:  April 5, 2011
Value:   $70,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: April 5, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201104053463
2011/04/0570000100109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Submit floor a roof truss designs and calculations. Ref app#200512281137
Date:  September 19, 2011
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 19, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108182734
2011/09/19187109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086109 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086103 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086103 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086105 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086105 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086105 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086105 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086107 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086107 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Install fire alarm wiring and devices.
Date:  May 24, 2011
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 26, 2011 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201105246705
2011/05/241400086107 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
Revision to pa# 2011-0524-6705-add 3 fire horns
Date:  September 26, 2011
Value:   $300
Contractor: Avner Hassine

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201109265442
2011/09/2630086107 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaAvner Hassine
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $10,000

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108263354
2011/08/2610000100114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
114-124 emerald cove terrance:install underground & overhead fire protection system for entire building.
Date:  August 29, 2011
Contractor: Thorpe Design Inc

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20110829611
2011/08/29099114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaThorpe Design Inc
Work category: 2pb; underground through finish plumbing for a six (6) unit condominium building including installation of short (15 or less) sewer and water service laterals
Date:  August 22, 2011
Contractor: Daniel L Marks Inc

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pw20110822210
2011/08/22089114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaDaniel L Marks Inc
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108263354
2011/08/2610000100114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Work category: 2m ; new hvac system in 6 units
Date:  November 1, 2011

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pmw20111101479
2011/11/01067114 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaCentury Htg And Air Cond. Dba 4 Seasons Ht
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $10,000

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108263354
2011/08/2610000100124 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
For building #13. Install new underground ( 2inch) fire service off of main on emerald cove. Overhead fire sprinklers system under separate application
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201108263354
2011/08/2610000100124 Emerald Cove Tr San Francisco CaJames Gregory Thorpe
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  January 26, 2012
Value:   $1

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/01/26187118 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: June 7, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201262930
2012/02/07187118 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco CaJames Charles Ghielmetti
Address assignment.
Date:  October 15, 2007

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: October 12, 2007 | Permit id: M90564
2007/10/15095118 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca
Floor and roof truss design and calculations. Refer to app# 200512281126.
Date:  February 7, 2012
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 1, 2012 | Expiration date: January 26, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201201262930
2012/02/07195118 Emerald Cove Wy San Francisco Ca

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