Building Permits at 109 Central Ave, Asheville, NC 28801

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Date:  April 17, 2006

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 06-01812
2006/04/17095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Date:  February 20, 2003

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-00527
2003/02/20095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Date:  October 23, 2002

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-04523
2002/10/23095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Comment date: mon oct 07 00:00: edt 2002 - demolition of interior walls; comment date: thu oct 00:00: edt 2002 - demolition permit not need remodel permit issued same day applied permit fees from this

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-04525 | Parcel: 28696
095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Demolition of interior walls; comment date: thu oct 00:00: edt 2002 - demolition permit not need remodel permit issued same day applied permit fees from this
Date:  December 2, 2002

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-04525 | Parcel: 28696
2002/12/02095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Date:  October 23, 2002
Value:   $8,800

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-04523
2002/10/23880095109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Interior remodel; expedite fee paid 45 under permit 02-4525(demo permit not needed);cah; building safety review comments the approved plans with the attached review comments are required to be at the job site for use by the field inspector(s) at all times. The building permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times. Call maro slaughter at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits. Provide van accessible parking space if one does not exist.; wnc air pollution approved by mike matthews recd fax; >>>>fire prevention comments<<<< permit review comments are on the approved plans. No electrical plans were provided, field corrections may be ordered for code compliance. Emergency lighting is required; contact fire inspector at electrical rough in for details lighted exit signs are required; contact fire inspector for details post address n
Date:  October 23, 2002
Value:   $8,800

Client: Worley& Cady | Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-04523 | Parcel: 28696
2002/10/23880074109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801Steven Fox Electric
Comment date: mon apr 17 00:00: edt 2006 - april 17, 2006 10:15: am wherms one plug install for microwave in break room. Permit rec via fax. Permit issued by wth. To set up an inspection, please conta
Date:  April 17, 2006

Client: David Worley | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 06-01812 | Parcel: 28696
2006/04/17099109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801R.A.Thomas Electric
Comment date: tue feb 11 00:00: est 2003 - work outlined in this permit must commence within days. No sign or sign structure shall be located within a public right of way. An electrical permit is requ
Date:  February 20, 2003

Client: Worley & Cady | Permit type: Stand alone sign | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Sign | Permit id: 03-00527 | Parcel: 28696
2003/02/20099109 Central Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801Lettering By Larry Colemon

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