Building Permits at 10315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
273 sqft above ground pool for existing sfd
Date:  February 11, 2015
Value:   $21,021
Contractor: Heritage Pools Inc

Permit type: New residential acc | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Resacc- | Parcel: 501-122-01-00
2015/02/11210219310315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941Heritage Pools Inc
997 sqft addition with ac, 421 sqft deck, 38 lf interior partitions, 33 sqft re-roof (hra), re-stucco (hra), relocate fau, misc electrical mechanical plumbing.
Date:  July 30, 2007
Value:   $137,689

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2007-1001-20 | Parcel: 501-122-01-00
2007/07/301376899510315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941
2 sq ft addition to existing sfd... Misc elect... And 33 sq ft re-roof under (hra) ... 07 24 06 7 30 07: plan check 1001-20070828 will be replacing permit 1004-20060416 so a letter of abandonement will be required prior to issuance of plan check 1001-20070828 and at that time plan check fees for plan check services completed will be due for 1004-20060416 in the amount of 313. 98... Amc
Date:  July 24, 2006
Value:   $32,204

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2006-1004-20 | Parcel: 501-122-01-00
2006/07/24322049510315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941
997 sqft addition with ac, 421 sqft deck, 38 lf interior partitions, 33 sqft re-roof (), re-stucco (), relocate fau, misc electrical mechanical plumbing.
Date:  July 30, 2007
Value:   $137,689

Permit type: Addition/alter to sfd/duplex | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2007-1001-20 | Parcel: 5011220100
2007/07/301376899510315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941
2 sq ft addition to existing sfd... Misc elect... And 33 sq ft re-roof under () ... 07 24 06 7 30 07 plan check 1001-20070828 will be replacing permit 1004-20060416 so a letter of abandonement will be required prior to issuance of plan check 1001-20070828 and at that time plan check fees for plan check services completed will be due for 1004-20060416 in the amount of 313. 98... Amc
Date:  July 24, 2006
Value:   $32,204

Permit type: Addition/alter to sfd/duplex | Permit status: Pc invalid expired | Permit id: Pds2006-1004-20 | Parcel: 5011220100
2006/07/24322049510315 Rancho Rd, La Mesa, Ca 91941

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