Building Permits at 10 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20005

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Interior demolition to existing 5th floor office space as shown on the attached architectural demolition dwgs. Interior work only no structural work involved. No change in use of tenant space.
Date:  July 26, 2013

Applicant: Giuseppe-Ramco | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: D1300673
2013/07/2609510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 5th Fl. Washington Dc 20005
Renovations to 5th floor men-women restrooms and elevator lobby-corridor as shown on the attached mech. Plumb., elect., fire protection, demolition and arch. Dwgs. Interior work only. No change is use. No structural work involved.
Date:  January 10, 2014

Client: Pembroke Real Estate | Applicant: John Giuseppe-Ramco | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1403291
2014/01/1009510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 5th Fl. Washington Dc 20005
Date:  July 15, 2013

Applicant: George S Owen | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: M1302275
2013/07/1509510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11th Floor Washington Dc 20005
Renovations to existing 5th floor tenant office space, national low income housing coalition as shown on the attached third party reviewed and approved mech., plumb., elect., fire protection, and arch. Plans by kta group. Interior work only. No change in use, no structural work.
Date:  December 10, 2014

Applicant: John Giuseppe-Ramco | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1502339
2014/12/1009510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 5 Washington Dc 20005
Demolition to existing core men-women restrooms, elevator lobby, and office tenant space on the 4th floor, renovations to the restrooms and elevator lobby-corridor only. No new work in the office space area, as shown on the attached mep, fire, demolition and arch. Plans. Interior work only. No change is use, no structural work involved.
Date:  January 9, 2014

Client: Pembroke Real Estate | Applicant: John Giuseppe-Ramco | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1403292
2014/01/0909510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 4th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Renovation of 4th floor spec suite 2120sqft to include mechanical, plumbing, electrical and fire no change of use or structrual work being done
Date:  March 7, 2014

Applicant: Damon Ellis | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1403631
2014/03/0709510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 4th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Date:  January 15, 2014

Applicant: John H Thomson | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1402643
2014/01/1509510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 4th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Date:  August 14, 2013

Applicant: John W. Hyre | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1307689
2013/08/1409510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11 Washington Dc 20005
Eleventh floor tenant build out including mep systems.
Date:  February 21, 2014

Client: Cornerstone Properties | Applicant: Phillip Pitting Capitol Permits | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1403222
2014/02/2109510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11 Washington Dc 20005
Date:  March 7, 2014

Applicant: Jason C. Miller | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1403827
2014/03/0709510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11 Washington Dc 20005
Date:  January 15, 2014

Applicant: John H Thomson | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1402644
2014/01/1509510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 5th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Date:  December 16, 2014

Applicant: John B. Williams | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1501906
2014/12/1609510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit Ph Washington Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 14, 2013

Applicant: Kenneth B. Beechner | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1307160
2013/08/1409510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Renovation of 11th floor elevator lobby 809sqft to include mechanical, electrical and fire no change of use or structural work being done
Date:  February 4, 2014

Applicant: Damon Ellis | Permit type: Alteration and repai | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1403632
2014/02/0409510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 11th Fl Washington Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  October 1, 2014

Applicant: Carlos E. Montes | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1500061
2014/10/0109510 Vermont Ave Nw Unit 2,3,7floor Washington Dc 20005
Interior demolition to existing 5th floor office space as shown on the attached architectural demolition dwgs. Interior work only no structural work involved. No change in use of tenant space.
Date:  July 26, 2013
Contractor: Giusepperamco

Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: D1300673
2013/07/2608610 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl., Washington, Dc 20005Giusepperamco
Renovations to 5th floor men-women restrooms and elevator lobby-corridor as shown on the attached mech. Plumb., elect., fire protection, demolition and arch. Dwgs. Interior work only. No change is use. No structural work involved.
Date:  January 10, 2014
Contractor: John Giusepperamco

Client: Pembroke Real Estate | Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1403291
2014/01/1009310 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl., Washington, Dc 20005John Giusepperamco
Date:  August 14, 2013
Contractor: John W. Hyre

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1307689
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11, Washington, Dc 20005John W. Hyre
Date:  August 14, 2013
Contractor: John W. Hyre

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1307689
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11, Washington, Dc 20005John W. Hyre
Date:  August 14, 2013
Contractor: John W. Hyre

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1307689
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11, Washington, Dc 20005John W. Hyre
Plumbing and gas
Date:  October 1, 2014
Contractor: Carlos E. Montes

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1500061
2014/10/0109610 Vermont Ave Nw 2,3,7floor, Washington, Dc 20005Carlos E. Montes
Plumbing and gas
Date:  October 1, 2014
Contractor: Carlos E. Montes

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1500061
2014/10/0109610 Vermont Ave Nw 2,3,7floor, Washington, Dc 20005Carlos E. Montes
Plumbing and gas
Date:  October 1, 2014
Contractor: Carlos E. Montes

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1500061
2014/10/0109610 Vermont Ave Nw 2,3,7floor, Washington, Dc 20005Carlos E. Montes
Plumbing and gas
Date:  October 1, 2014
Contractor: Carlos E. Montes

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1500061
2014/10/0109610 Vermont Ave Nw 2,3,7floor, Washington, Dc 20005Carlos E. Montes
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 14, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1307160
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Kenneth B. Beechner
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 14, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1307160
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Kenneth B. Beechner
Renovation of 11th floor elevator lobby 809sqft to include mechanical, electrical and fire no change of use or structural work being done
Date:  February 4, 2014
Contractor: Damon Ellis

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1403632
2014/02/04010010 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Damon Ellis
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 14, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1307160
2013/08/1409610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Kenneth B. Beechner
Renovations to existing 5th floor tenant office space, national low income housing coalition as shown on the attached third party reviewed and approved mech., plumb., elect., fire protection, and arch. Plans by kta group. Interior work only. No change in use, no structural work.
Date:  December 10, 2014
Contractor: John Giusepperamco

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1502339
2014/12/1009310 Vermont Ave Nw 500, Washington, Dc 20005John Giusepperamco
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1402643
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: David Fleming

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407844
2014/08/1509810 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005David Fleming
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: Eric T. Seeley

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407848
2014/08/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Eric T. Seeley
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1402643
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: David Fleming

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407844
2014/08/1509810 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005David Fleming
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: Eric T. Seeley

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407848
2014/08/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Eric T. Seeley
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: David Fleming

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407844
2014/08/1509810 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005David Fleming
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: Eric T. Seeley

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407848
2014/08/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Eric T. Seeley
Renovation of 4th floor spec suite 2120sqft to include mechanical, plumbing, electrical and fire no change of use or structrual work being done
Date:  March 7, 2014
Contractor: Damon Ellis

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1403631
2014/03/07010010 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Damon Ellis
Demolition to existing core men-women restrooms, elevator lobby, and office tenant space on the 4th floor, renovations to the restrooms and elevator lobby-corridor only. No new work in the office space area, as shown on the attached mep, fire, demolition and arch. Plans. Interior work only. No change is use, no structural work involved.
Date:  January 9, 2014
Contractor: John Giusepperamco

Client: Pembroke Real Estate | Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1403292
2014/01/0909310 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John Giusepperamco
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1402643
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: Eric T. Seeley

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407848
2014/08/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Eric T. Seeley
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 15, 2014
Contractor: David Fleming

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1407844
2014/08/1509810 Vermont Ave Nw 4th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005David Fleming
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1402644
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 12, 2014
Contractor: William Sauers

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1403976
2014/03/1209210 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005William Sauers
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1402644
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 12, 2014
Contractor: William Sauers

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1403976
2014/03/1209210 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005William Sauers
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 12, 2014
Contractor: William Sauers

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1403976
2014/03/1209210 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005William Sauers
Date:  January 15, 2014
Contractor: John H Thomson

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: E1402644
2014/01/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005John H Thomson
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 12, 2014
Contractor: William Sauers

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1403976
2014/03/1209210 Vermont Ave Nw 5th Fl, Washington, Dc 20005William Sauers
Date:  December 16, 2014
Contractor: John B. Williams

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1501906
2014/12/1608610 Vermont Ave Nw Ph, Washington, Dc 20005John B. Williams
Date:  December 16, 2014
Contractor: John B. Williams

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1501906
2014/12/1608610 Vermont Ave Nw Ph, Washington, Dc 20005John B. Williams
Date:  December 16, 2014
Contractor: John B. Williams

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: E1501906
2014/12/1608610 Vermont Ave Nw Ph, Washington, Dc 20005John B. Williams
Emergency generator replacement
Date:  June 10, 2015
Contractor: Scott Barefoot

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1508699
2015/06/1008910 Vermont Ave Nw Bsmt, Washington, Dc 20005Scott Barefoot
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 4, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1503926
2015/03/0409510 Vermont Ave Nw 6th, Washington, Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  March 4, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1503926
2015/03/0409510 Vermont Ave Nw 6th, Washington, Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  January 28, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1503013
2015/01/2809510 Vermont Ave Nw Washington, Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  December 2, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1601763
2015/12/0209510 Vermont Ave Nw 200, Washington, Dc 20005
Interior demolition of existing office space in indicated tenant space on 2nd floor of the office building. No structural work is included under this permit and architectural work to include removal of partitions, doors, millwork, ceilings and finishes. The electrical and plumbing work will be necessary to cap existing electrical in walls and ceilings that will be demolished. Limited mechanical work is included in this permit. The fire sprinkler and fire alarm work is not included in this permit. A future permit will be pulled for the full buildout of this space.
Date:  August 5, 2015

Client: Nmac | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: D1500693
2015/08/0509610 Vermont Ave Nw 200, Washington, Dc 20005Kim Mitchell Cdkm Consulting Llc
Plumbing and gas
Date:  December 2, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1601763
2015/12/0209510 Vermont Ave Nw 200, Washington, Dc 20005
Interior renovation to existing tenant on the 9th floor on behalf of american academy of nursing.
Date:  October 14, 2015
Contractor: William Snoddy

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: B1513054
2015/10/1409110 Vermont Ave Nw 910, Washington, Dc 20005William Snoddy
Plumbing and gas
Date:  January 13, 2015

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1502624
2015/01/1309610 Vermont Ave Nw 3rd Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Kenneth B. Beechner
Plumbing and gas
Date:  January 13, 2015

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: P1502624
2015/01/1309610 Vermont Ave Nw 3rd Fl, Washington, Dc 20005Kenneth B. Beechner
Interior demolition to existing office space as shown on the electronically submitted architectural demolition dwgs. Interior work only. No structural work. No change in use. 54 sf.
Date:  August 9, 2016

Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: D1600760
2016/08/0905910 Vermont Ave Nw 3rd Fl, Washington, Dc 2000510 Vermont Avenue Spe Llc; John Giuseppe Ramco
Renovations to existing 2nd floor office space spec suite 201 as shown on the attached mech.,plumb., elect., fire protection, demolition, and arch. Dwgs. Interior work only. No change in use. No struct. Work involved. Approx. 913 sf.
Date:  March 29, 2016

Permit type: Alteration and repair | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: B1606312
2016/03/2905910 Vermont Ave Nw 2nd Fl., Washington, Dc 2000510 Vermont Avenue Spe Llc; John Giusepperamco
Date:  July 15, 2013
Contractor: George S Owen

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: M1302275
2013/07/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005George S Owen
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 24, 2016

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1608946
2016/08/2409510 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005
Date:  July 15, 2013
Contractor: George S Owen

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: M1302275
2013/07/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005George S Owen
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 24, 2016

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1608946
2016/08/2409510 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005
Date:  July 15, 2013
Contractor: George S Owen

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: M1302275
2013/07/1509610 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005George S Owen
Plumbing and gas
Date:  August 24, 2016

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1608946
2016/08/2409510 Vermont Ave Nw 11th Floor, Washington, Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  January 28, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1503013
2015/01/2809510 Vermont Ave Nw Washington, Dc 20005
Plumbing and gas
Date:  January 28, 2015

Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: P1503013
2015/01/2809510 Vermont Ave Nw Washington, Dc 20005

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