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SCORE 86 8615 Stroelitz St, New Orleans La Elevate existing single to meet/be above the bfe. To elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All elevation permits require electrical and mechanical permits. Client: Jessica M Walsh | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Single family |
SCORE 86 8615 Stroelitz St, New Orleans, La 70118 Elevate existing single to meet/be above the bfe. To elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All elevation permits require electrical and mechanical permits. Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Completion date: March 17, 2015 | Expiration date: April 15, 2015 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 14-31949-Rnvs |
SCORE 86 2901 Palmer Ave, New Orleans, La 70118 Elevate existing single to meet/be above the bfe. To elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All elevation permits require electrical and mechanical permits. Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: February 2, 2016 | Expiration date: April 15, 2015 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 14-31953-Rnvs |
SCORE 86 2901 Palmer Ave, New Orleans La Elevate existing single to meet/be above the bfe. To elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All elevation permits require electrical and mechanical permits. Client: John M Cremaldi | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Single family |
SCORE 86 Client: Joan Mitchell Center On Bayou Road Llc | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Unknown |
SCORE 86 2327 Calhoun St, New Orleans La Interior renovations to single-family home to include flooring, sheetrock and carpentry. Client: Vertelee C Springer | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family |
SCORE 86 2327 Calhoun St, New Orleans, La 70118 Interior renovations to single-family home to include flooring, sheetrock and carpentry. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: September 24, 2014 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 14-08707-Rnvn |
SCORE 86 1637 Harmony St, New Orleans La Install emergency shoring to the underside of the residence to prevent collapse, temporarily hold roof system to allow for skating of structure, excavate under front of residence to pour approx. (52) fifty-two feet of continuous steel foundation, install (46) forty-six feet of continuous brick wall across the front and right side of property, install (10) ten new piers to support existing sills under load beating support wall under front areas of property, remove/replace approx. (16) sixteen feet of damaged sill; (8) eight feet at front right and (8) eight feet center left, install (4) four new piers at the front areas of property as per hdlc c/a # Client: Thomas M Mceachin | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family |
SCORE 86 1637 Harmony St, New Orleans La Install emergency shoring to the underside of the residence to prevent collapse, temporarily hold roof system to allow for skating of structure, excavate under front of residence to pour approx. (52) fifty-two feet of continuous steel foundation, install (46) forty-six feet of continuous brick wall across the front and right side of property, install (10) ten new piers to support existing sills under load beating support wall under front areas of property, remove replace approx. (16) sixteen feet of damaged sill; (8) eight feet at front right and (8) eight feet center left, install (4) four new piers at the front areas of property as per hdlc c a # Client: Thomas M Mceachin | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family |
SCORE 86 Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: September 25, 2014 | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: 14-08229-Rnvs |