Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 88 7707 Oak St, New Orleans, La 70118 Renovate existing single - flooring, bathroom update, and kitchen update. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: December 7, 2013 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 13-17738-Rnvn | |||||
SCORE 88 723 Valence St, New Orleans La Supplement to 13-38456-rnvs to increase the valuation and scope of work to include the increase in framing due to termite damage. No increase in square footage or change in setbacks. Client: Patrick R Ryan, Champion Homes Of Louisiana Llc | Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 88 24 Marengo St, New Orleans La Renovate existing single - sheetrock, flooring, bathroom, and kitchen update. Client: Orleans Redevelopment Authority New | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Inspections finaled | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 88 7707 Oak St, New Orleans La Renovate existing single - flooring, bathroom update, and kitchen update. Client: Llc. Ourre | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 88 2553 St Ann St, 2551 St Ann St, 812 N Dorgenois St, New Orleans, La Exterior repairs to vacant 4-plex (2551-53 st ann st & 810-12 n dorgenois st) as per hdlc c/r # 14-27893-hdlc. No use and occupancy under this permit. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: March 8, 2015 | Current use: Multi-family | Permit id: 14-27893-Rnvn | |||||
SCORE 88 Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Voided - duplicate permit | Completion date: April 5, 2016 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 16-08750-Demo | |||||
SCORE 88 24 Marengo St, New Orleans, La 70115 Renovate existing single - sheetrock, flooring, bathroom, and kitchen update. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Inspections finaled | Expiration date: December 7, 2013 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 13-17735-Rnvn | |||||
SCORE 88 2553 St Ann St, 2551 St Ann St, 812 N Dorgenois St, New Orleans La Exterior repairs to vacant 4-plex (2551-53 st ann st & 810-12 n dorgenois st) as per hdlc c/r # 14-27893-hdlc. No use and occupancy under this permit. Client: Champion Homes Of Louisiana L.L.C. | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Multi-family | |||||
SCORE 88 Permit type: Interior demolition | Permit status: Plan review | Current use: Two-family | |||||
SCORE 88 Permit type: Interior demolition | Permit status: Plan review | Expiration date: April 13, 2017 | Current use: Two-family | Permit id: 16-33553-Demi | |||||
SCORE 88 8502 Panola St, New Orleans La Current 85 panola st request: add 8502 should read 85 and 8502 panola st. ![]() ![]() Client: Champion Homes Of Louisiana Llc | Permit type: Change of address | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Business use |